조이 밀러 옵션 거래. 조이 밀러가 조이 (Joey)에게 응답 해달라고 요청한 무역의 장점에 대해 혼란을 야기한 현금 흐름 거래에 대한 고급 과정 중 하나에서 가르치는 최근 무역에 대해 어제 블로그 토론이있었습니다. Joey는 Rule One의 파생 상품 거래의 책임자입니다.
Ep 106 : 교역 옵션에 대한 기본 지침.
조이 밀러 옵션 거래. 그 후 모든 DVD, 옵션 도서를 구입했으며, 트레이더 즈 에지 캐시 플로우 세미나 및 고급 서밋 행사에 참석하여 교육을 강화했습니다. 나는 Joey Miller와 Traders Edge Live가 사기가 아니라는 것을 증명해야합니다. 그들은 진정한 진정한 사람들입니다. 선생님들은 훌륭하고.
채팅 또는 호언 장담, 성인용 콘텐츠, 스팸, 다른 회원 모욕, 더 많이 보여줍니다. 미성년자, 폭력 또는 위협, 괴롭힘 또는 개인 정보 침해, 명의 도용 또는 허위 진술, 사기 또는 피싱에 해를 끼치는 것은 더 많은 것을 보여줍니다.
나는 최근 세미나에 가서 조이 밀러 (Joey Miller)와 트레이 더스 에지 라이브 (Traders Edge Live)가 가르치는 주식 거래와 외환 전략을 보았다.
그것은 너무 진실한 것처럼 보인다. 그러나, 나는 전략을 역행 시켰고, 그들은 지난 5 년 동안 아주 잘 작동하는 것처럼 보입니다. 이것이 사기인지 누가 알 수 있습니까? 이 답변을 삭제 하시겠습니까? 스타 존스, 나는 몇 년 전에 가입했을 때 똑같은 것을 궁금하게 생각하고 있었다!
따라서 시간을내어 의견을 말하고 경험이 도움이되기를 바랍니다. 결국 나는 Traders Edge Live가 이론과는 반대로 실제적이고 체계적인 전략을 가르치고 있다는 것을 발견했기 때문에 투자 회사가 취소하도록 허락 해 주신 것에 대해 Investgets을 취소했습니다.
나는 Investools가 훌륭하다고 생각하지만, 지금 당장 시작할 수있는 것을 찾고있었습니다. 그들은 진정한 진정한 사람들입니다. 선생님들은 탁월하며 자신이 진정한 상인이기 때문에 주제 자료를 이해합니다. 나는 심지어 멘토링에 가입했고 이것을 장기 투자 계획의 일부로 만들기 위해 진지하게 헌신했습니다.
모든 것을 말하면서, 내가 시작했을 때 누군가가 나에게 강조했으면하는 조언을 당신과 함께 나누도록하겠습니다. 전략은 과거에 잘 작동하고 미래에도 계속 작동 할 수 있지만 미래의 성공을 보장 할 수는 없습니다. 당신이 과거에 잘 수행 한 체계적인 전략을 가지고있을 때 당신의 확률은 증가하게됩니다.
인내심을 갖고 전략을 완전히 배우고, 부분을 건너 뛰고 지름길을 이용하려고하십시오. 옵션 거래를 통해 레버리지 된 투자 수단으로서 기능과 이점을 이해하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 한 바구니에 모든 계란을 넣지 마십시오. 나는 처음부터 너무 많은 무역을하는 정서적 실수를했다. 왜냐하면 나는 일이 영원히 잘될 것이라고 확신했기 때문이다.
처음 몇 달 동안 나는 돈을 너무 많이 만들어서 투자를 늘려 돈을 빌려서 투자를 늘리고 있습니다.
그러나, 나는 빨리 무너졌다. 그래서 당신이 편한 자금에만 투자하고, "담장을 향해"휘젓려고하지 마십시오.
귀하의 거래를 작게 유지하십시오. 그래서 나쁜 거래가있을 경우에 대비하여 복구하십시오. 더 많이 알고 이해하면할수록 더 좋아질 것입니다. 다시 한번, 당신에게 최고의 소원을! 이게 도움이 되길 바란다. 이 사이트는 귀하를 도울 수 있습니다. 바이너리 자동 거래 http : 바이너리 옵션을 사용하면 미리 정해진 다양한 기간 동안 통화 쌍과 주식 거래를 할 수 있으며 최소 30 초입니다.
거래를 실행하는 것은 간단합니다. 이 시스템은 사용자 친화적 인 인터페이스를 사용합니다. 이 인터페이스는 8 세 어린이조차도 지침을 읽지 않고도 작동 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 승리의 거래는 쉽지 않습니다. 이진 거래는 단시간 내에 터무니없이 많은 돈을 벌 수있는 유일한 진정한 시스템으로 광고됩니다. 그러나 그것은 어떤 의미가 있습니까?
모든 상인이 이진 거래에서 엄청난 돈을 벌 수 있습니까? 누가 실제로 모든 돈이나 이익을 상인에게 지불하고 있습니까? 첫 번째 과제는 신뢰할 수있는 바이너리 브로커를 찾는 것입니다. 둘째, 수익을 지속적으로 창출하는 데 사용할 수있는 이진 거래 전략을 찾아야합니다. 효과적인 거래 전략이 없다면이 사업에서 돈을 벌 수있는 방법이 없습니다. 수익성있는 거래 전략을 배우는 것이 가능합니다. 이 프리젠 테이션 비디오를 시청해야합니다. https : 많은 관심있는 거래자가 실제로 바이너리 옵션을 사용하여 수익을 창출 할 수 있는지 질문합니다.
대답은 바이너리 옵션 거래에서 돈을 벌 수 있다는 것입니다. 그러나, 당신은 그것에 노력을 기울여야 할 것입니다. 돈 관리, 차트 읽기, 지표 사용법을 배우셔야합니다. Forex 팁에 투자하십시오 http : 나는 또한 9 개월 동안 거래 된 논문에서 동기 부여가 된 세미나를 가져오고 수년간 설정을 테스트했습니다.
그들의 가르침은 아주 잘 작동했습니다. 불행히도 더 이상 지원을 제공하거나 지원하지 않습니다. 부끄러운 일입니다. 그것이 내 친구 인 Nathan Gold가 이미 그의 인기있는 웹 사이트에 추가 한 놀라운 5 단계 "무역 파"의 출발점입니다.
테스트를 거친 시스템이 5 년 동안 작동 한 경우 3 개월 동안 데모 계좌에 종이로 교환하여 백 테스터 시스템과 동일한 결과를 제공하는지 테스트해야합니다. 인형을위한 주식 옵션. 조이 밀러 거래 가장자리? 당신은 칼날에 생명을 살기를 좋아합니까? 스티브 밀러 밴드?
Matt Ryan이 다음 Joey Harrington인가요? 그건 끔찍했을거야.? 자회사가 본사의 요구 사항을 준수할지 여부를 결정하는 데 도움이되는 것이 현지 시장과의 외부 규정 준수보다 더 중요합니까? 회사에서 물건을 직접 구입하는 방법? 무신론자, 만약 당신이 당신의 아이가 신을 믿는 것을 발견했다면 어떻게 반응하겠습니까? 직장에서 휴가를 얻는 방법.? 플린은 힐러리의 10 분의 1을 했습니까? 그들은 부모님의 지하실을 떠나지 않으므로? 보수 주의자들이 백인 인종 차별 주의자들의 투표에 의존하는 반면 자유 주의자들은 게으른 복지 소수자와 부랑자에게 투표를하는 이유는 무엇입니까?
조이 밀러 옵션 거래
& quot; 하루는 인생을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 영원히!
사실 나는 당신의 생생한 기적을 바로 만들고 싶습니다. "& quot;
부동산, 비즈니스, 주식, 세금 및 amp; 자산 보호.
제 이름은 Jim Francis입니다. 우리는 지구상에서 가장 훌륭한 부류의 사람들을 보유하고 있습니다. 하루 하루를 함께하면 즉시 성공과 부의 길로 나아갈 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램에서 배울 점은 :
주식을 사기 위해 401k, IRA를 탭하려면 부동산도 비즈니스를 시작하십시오. 7 가지 가장 큰 금전적 실수와 그 (것)들을 영원히 죽이는 방법. 신용 점수를 수분 내에 수정하십시오. 한 달에 5-10 %의 수익을 올리십시오! 나는 한 달을 말했다. 소기업 아이디어를 수립하고 실행하는 방법. 1 년 이내에 100KB의 비즈니스 크레딧을 구축하십시오. 기술은 부동산 붕괴로 이익을 얻습니다. 세금을 최대 50 % 인하하십시오.
7 가지 가장 큰 돈 실수 & amp; 그들을 피하는 법.
Financial Expert 짐 프란시스 (Gim Francis)는이 시장에서 돈을 절약하고 돈을 벌기 위해 수십 가지 유용한 전략을 제시합니다. 다음 방법을 배우게됩니다.
IRA, 401k 및 은퇴 계좌를 사용하여 투자하십시오. 신용 점수를 향상 시키십시오. 투자 금액의 20 % 이상을 확보하십시오. 돈 자석 시스템.
부동산으로 부자가 될 수 있습니다!
Bill Bronchick은 90 분 이내에 부동산 부로의 길을 닦을 것입니다. 다음 방법을 배우게됩니다.
달러짜리 동전을 사는 부동산. 현금 톤과 이익을 위해 부동산을 뒤집습니다. 오늘 상업용 시장에서 살해.
이제 뮤추얼 펀드 이상의 투자를 할 수 있습니다. IRA는 주식, 모기지, 부동산 및 비즈니스에 투자 할 수 있습니다. IRA의 잠재력을 60 분 이내에 풀어보십시오.
은퇴 계좌를 보호하고 강화하십시오. 훌륭한 투자 선택 : 주식, 부동산, 옵션 등. 100 % 합법적이며 IRS 가이드 라인에 포함되어 있습니다. 그리고 그것은 시작하기 위해 단지 동전을 소비합니다.
Joey Miller는 신용 스프레드라고하는 투자 비밀을 약간 알면서도 재산을 빠르게 얻을 수 있습니다. 당신은 배울 것이다:
월 현금 흐름을 구축하십시오. 한 달에 5 ~ 10 %의 수익을 올리십시오. 보장은 없지만 가능성은 높습니다. 이 전문가의 말을 듣고 5 분 이내에 손실을 줄일 수 있습니다.
개인적으로나 사업 상으로 돈을 버는 경우 자신과 사업을 보호하는 방법을 알아야합니다. Bob Blume이 귀하와 공유 할 것입니다 :
모든 자산 보호 계획에 3 개의 키가 있습니다. 세금 감면 및 더 많은 공제 방법. 가정과 소득 흐름을 보호하는 기술.
인터넷은 소득의 큰 원천입니다!
90 분 내에 귀하의 비즈니스를 시작하고 실행할 수 있습니다. 사실이 세션이 끝나면 비즈니스는 다음과 같이 될 수 있습니다.
500 달러 미만의 수익성있는 하루를 시작했습니다. 1. 비즈니스 크레딧 100K에 이르는 길에서. 운영 첫 달에 $ 2000-5000을 가져 오십시오.
부동산 투자자. 사업 자체.
오래된 말은 사업 상 돈을 벌고 부동산에 주차하는 것입니다. 오늘 부자 건축에 대해 얼마나 위대한 진술. 결국 부동산 시장이 회복 될 것입니다. 사실 많은 사람들이 지금 부동산에 작은 돈을 벌고 있습니다. 어떤 시장에서든 자신이하는 일을 안다면 부동산으로 돈을 벌 수 있습니다. 그러나 지금 사업에서 돈을 벌고 벽돌과 박격포를 사면 돈 (심지어 돈)도 충분합니다. 귀하의 비즈니스를 상업 또는 주거용 부동산에 주차하는 데 사용하십시오.
다음 방법을 배우게됩니다.
귀하의 비즈니스 구조를 사용하여 부동산을 구입하십시오. 상업 및 주거용 부동산 평가. 숨겨진 차압 시장을 살짝 누르십시오 주머니에서 돈이 거의 없거나 거의없는 대형 멀티 패밀리 단지를 구성하십시오. 자기 연금 퇴직 프로그램으로 세금을 사전에 사용하십시오. 올바른 위치를 선택하기위한 3 가지 열쇠를 배우십시오. 올바른 재산을 보장하기 위해 간단하지만 효과적인 현지 조사를 실시하십시오. 옵션 계약 또는 할당을 사용하여 불과 몇 달러만으로 시작하십시오. 현금 흐름을위한 거래를 평가하십시오. 토지 신탁 및 LLC 구조로 개인 정보를 보호하십시오.
주식 마케팅 팁 및 아이디어, 현금 흐름 비즈니스를 작동하게합니다.
투자 금액의 10 %를 원하십니까? 또는 15 %, 30 %, 50 % 또는 심지어 100 % 환불!
이러한 유형의 수익을 보장하는 것은 어리석은 일이지만 가능성이 있습니다. 그게 무슨 뜻이야? 경험 많은 상인들은 높은 성공률을 보장하기 위해 일련의 시스템을 사용합니다. 미국의 최고 거래자들은 돈과 고객의 돈으로 50 % 이상을 얻고 있습니다. 그들은 다음을 사용합니다 :
좋은 주식을 선택하기위한 기초 분석. 기술적 분석을 통해 그들이 언제 위아래로 움직이는 지 알 수 있습니다. 이익을 잠 그거나 손실을 막을 돈 관리. 위험과 보상 비율은 수익을 극대화합니다.
이것들은 우리가 좋은 주식을 선택하고 재산을 보호하는 데 도움이 될 수있는 탄탄한 기본 전략이며,
그러나 세계에서 가장 좋은 상인들은이 기초 이상을 알고 있습니다. 그들은 알고있다:
어떤 시장 조건에서도 적용 할 수있는 36 가지 옵션 전략. 계절 거래. 시장이 좀 더 낙관적이거나 약세를 보이는 특정 일, 달, 심지어 대통령 기간도 있습니다. 엘리엇 웨이브 거래. 현금 전략 : 대상 통화 및 신용 스프레드. 평균 크로스 오버 패턴. 갭 거래. 그리고 더.
30 %와 50 %의 수익률을 얻기 위해서는 이러한 고급 전략을 알아야합니다. 그들은 당신의 거래 및 수익률에 큰 차이를 만들 수 있습니다.
중소기업 및 대기업을위한 마케팅 팁 및 아이디어
모든 비즈니스는 마케팅 및 판매가 필요합니다. 그것은 현금 흐름, 성장 및 재정적 번영의 열쇠입니다. 이 작업장에서는 다음과 같은 방법을 배우게됩니다.
전략적 제휴를 통해 기존 비즈니스를 3 배로 확장하십시오.
무료 마케팅을 통해 매출을 높일 수 있습니다. 빠른 수익, 저렴한 마케팅 및 제품 개발을 위해 인터넷을 누르십시오. 어떤 아이디어든지 즉시 인터넷에 판매를위한 제품을 창조하십시오. 시장과 아이디어를 단 몇 분 만에 연구하십시오. 마케팅 비용을 최대 50 % 절감하십시오. 100 달러 미만으로 1 시간 이내에 인터넷 사이트를 개발하십시오. 3 명의 작은 인터넷 전략을 사용하여 백만 달러를 벌 수 있습니다. 분만에 판매 할 제품을 찾으십시오. EBay를 마케팅 전략의 일부로 삼으십시오.
기업가는 자신의 사업에 돈을 찾을 것입니다.
당신이 창업 기업가라면, 당신은 당신 자신의 사업을 관리하는 도전을 알고 있습니다. 쇠퇴 및 흐름 판매, 비용, 이익 및 현금 흐름. 사실 대부분의 새로운 사업은 자본 부족이라고 진술되어 있습니다. 현금 흐름은 비즈니스의 열쇠입니다. 성장을위한 현금 흐름. 재고 흐름을위한 현금 흐름. 현금 흐름이 급여를 받거나 마케팅을 늘리십시오. 당신은 배울 것이다:
자본과 자금 조달을 찾는 법.
비즈니스를 확장, 성장 또는 시작할 수있는 상위 18 개 출처 다음을 포함합니다 : 마이크로 대출, SBA, 자산 대출, 엔젤 네트워크, 벤처 캐피탈 및 정부 대출. 1 년 이내에 귀하의 비즈니스에 대해 100,000 크레딧을 추가로 확립하는 프로그램입니다. 성장, 재고 확보, 현금 흐름 개선, 시간과 비용 절감을 위해 신용을 확보하는 방법. 이자율 삭감.
P. S. - 성공에는 4D가 필요합니다. 꿈꿔야 해. 당신의 가치를 9시에서 5 시까 지 꿈꿔보십시오. 도전. 위험은 조금 있습니다. 약간의 현금, 조금 시간. 해야 할 것. 경로를 알고 나면 한발을 내딛으십시오. 기다리지 말고 행동하십시오. 대기 비용은 당신에게 돈이됩니다. 그리고 마지막으로, 당신은 결정되어야합니다. 선택의 여지가 있지만 성공하지는 않습니다. 꿈을 꾸는 것 외에는 선택의 여지가 없습니다. 선택의 여지가 있지만 승리.
조이 밀러.
Joey의 거래 및 투자 통찰력은 투자 업계에 15 년 이상 종사 한 데서 비롯된 것입니다. 조이의 업적 목록은 출판 된 저자, 경제 및 투자 기조 연설자, 25 개 이상의 부동산 자산에 대한 일반 파트너, 옵션 상인 및 교육자, 펀드 매니저 및 실사 담당자를 포함하여 광범위합니다. 그는 전국을 여행하면서 40여 개국의 고객과 개인적으로 만나고 말하기 계약을 맺고 예상 투자를 보는 동안 대부분의 시간 동안이 나라를 여행 할 수 있습니다. 조이의 강력한 재정 전망에 힘 입어 그의 투자 나침반이 몰아 붙습니다. 그는 그룹 교육 행사 및 훈련 행사의 큰 제안자입니다. 그는 자주 참여합니다. Joey는 그의 시리즈 22, 63 & amp; 65 증권 라이센스.
Joey는 Hillsboro, Oregon에 살고 있습니다. 그는 여가 시간에 아들 오스틴과 알래스카와 태평양 북서부 지역에서 낚시하는 시간을 즐깁니다.
투자 자문 서비스는 Arete Wealth Advisors, LLC를 통해 제공됩니다.
최근 10-10의 무역에 JOEY MILLER.
필 타운 (Phil Town)은 투자 고문, 헤지 펀드 매니저, NY Times 베스트셀러 작가 2 명, 전 그랜드 캐년 강 안내자 및 미 육군 특수 부장 중 한 명입니다. 그와 그의 아내 인 Melissa는 말, 폴로 및 이벤트에 대한 열정을 공유합니다. Phil의 목표는 투자 방법 및 재정적 독립을 달성하는 방법을 배우는 것입니다. 당신은 google +, facebook 및 twitter에서 그를 따라갈 수 있습니다.
조이 밀러 (Joey Miller)의 가르침에 따라 RUT를 계속 거래하는 사람이 있습니까? 그렇다면, 나는 당신과 연결하고 싶습니다. 큰 성공을 거두며 3 년간 전략을 교환했습니다. 인생의 변화로 인해 나는 다른 방향으로 가고 싶었지만 그걸 다시보고 싶습니다. 이것들은 얼마나 많은 수익성있는 거래가 그 기간 동안 있었는지 보여주는 차트의 몇 가지입니다. 모든 녹색 점들은 수익성있는 거래였습니다.
나는이 지난 주말에 얼마나 감사하고 있다는 말을하고 싶었다. 그러나 나는 말로 표현하기가 어렵다. 나는 식당에서 식사를 한 사람처럼 느낀다. 웨이터가 그들에게 돈을 내지 않아야한다고 말했 다. 그 다음 팁을 줄만큼 충분한 돈이 없다. 그래서 나는 & # 8230;라고 말할 것입니다. & # 8220; 감사합니다 & # 8221; Phil, Jeff, Joey, Dale, JP, Corey, Michelle, Mellissa 및 Garrett에게 감사드립니다. (Garrett 나는 볼티모어에 비행기에서 너를 만났어.) 나는 누군가를 내버려 두지 않았 으면 좋겠다.
더 게시하고 싶지만, 내 머리 속에있는 정보를 풀어서 학습 과정을 시작하려고합니다. Rule # 1의 미래 지식을 기대하십시오.
오 & # 8230; 4 월에 애틀란타에가는 사람 & # 8230; 당신은 놀랄 것입니다.
그냥 너를 사랑해 / 걸스! 야, 해고 당할거야!
나는 저녁을 위해 비행을했고 나는 모든 단일 게시물을 읽었습니다!
내가 너를 도울 수 있었다는 것을 알려준 것에 대해 고마워. Mr and Mrs. Town은 토요일 오후 9시 30 분에 이미 그것을 끝내고 있다고 주장했습니다. 여러분 모두가 이미 그렇게 긴 하루를 보냈기 때문에 그들은 일요일에 신선한 것을 원했습니다!
그때 필자는 Phil의 장소에서 오전 1시 30 분에 일어났습니다. 나중에 미셸이 너를 만난다. 그녀의 아들 브랜든과 그의 대학생 앤드류는 필의 장소에 계단 아래에있었습니다. 예, & # 8230; 멋진 홈 씨어터, 웨이트 룸, 사우나, 풀 테이블, 풀 바 & 전형적인 평범한 중산층 가정.
Andrew는 Brandon이 기숙사에 어떻게 왔는지를 알려주고 Brandon은이 책을 & # 8220; Rule # 1 & # 8221; Andrew의 데스크에는 노란색 스티커가 붙어 있습니다. Brandon은 & nbsp; 이봐, 왜 이걸 읽은거야? & # 8221; 앤드류는 간다. 나는이 책을 읽었을 때 가장 좋은 책이다. 정말하고 싶습니다. & # 8221;
브랜든은 그를보고 간다, 이봐, 이 녀석은 삼촌이야! & # 8221;
재밌 니? 그래서 저는이 사람들과 이야기를 나누며 이야기를 나누었습니다. 다음으로 R # 1 옵션, 현금 흐름 및 투자에 대한 질문을합니다.
나는 Brandon을 비웃고 있었다. & # 8220; Brandon, 삼촌이 Phil Town 일 때 투자 및 현금 흐름 전략에 관해 나에게 이야기하는 것은 무엇입니까? & # 8230; Phil Town. 우리 중 대부분은 우리 지하실과 백만 달러 말 마구간에 사우나가 있다고 생각합니까? & # 8221;
Brandon과 Andrew는 Rule # 1 Cash Flow / Investing에 대한 좋은 소개를 얻었습니다. 나는 그들에게 또 다른 수업을했다. 그들이 $ 1,000 달러와 $ 200로 15 년에 50 년 동안 약 3,000 만 달러를 벌 수있는 방법을 보았을 때, 그들은 꽤 흥미를 느꼈습니다.
브랜든과 앤드류는 일요일 아침에 수업을 들었습니다.
3 일 후에 얻은이 모든 것들이 내 머리 속에 있고 나는 당신에게 그것을 게시 할 수있을 때 내가 블로그에서 어떻게 느끼는지를 이해할 수 있습니까 !! 필자와 Phil, Joey의 수업을 통해 이러한 기회를 보았습니다. 나는이 블로그에서 얼마나 큰지 알기를 원하기 때문에 블로그에서 자신을 차분하게 생각합니다. 이 R # 1 Investing Phil의 연구가 회사를 파헤치는 데 얼마나 훌륭한 지, 조이가 어떻게하면 큰 현금 흐름 기회를 발견했는지를 알 수 있습니다. 하지만 돈을 지불 한 사람들을 훔치기 때문에 할 수는 없습니다. 필과 조이의 전문성과 시간!
내가 공유 할 수있는 & # 8211; 제 의견. 나는 일반적으로 여러 가지 이유로 어떤 것이 가장 잘 작동하는지에 따라 4 가지 R # 1 현금 흐름 전략을 반복합니다.
처음에 이것에 대해 많이 배웠을 때, 저는 한 가지 일에 정말로 집중하는 데 집중하는 것이 매우 도움이된다는 것을 알았습니다. 그것을 반복해서하십시오.
첫 번째 순수 현금 흐름 전략을 수행했을 때의 목표는 간단했습니다. & # 8221; Garrett, $ 1.00 & # 8243;
그거였다. 내가 1.00 달러를 벌 수 있다면, 나는 더 많이 벌 수 있다고 생각했다.
나중에 잊을 수있는 또 다른 것은 중개인이 TradeKing, Etrade 등 & nbsp; 수수료를 내고 & # 8230; 그들이 당신을 도울 때 사용한다는 것입니다! 그들은 모두 귀하가 주문을 입력하는 데 도움을 줄 수있는 옵션 팀을 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 ThinkorSwim 설정, 백 테스트 방법, 그래프 작성 방법 등을 도울 수 있습니다. & # 8230;
Phil은 저를 배웠습니다. 일단 사업을 소유 한 적이 있다면 많은 방법이 있습니다. 당신은 지금 그것을 할 수있는 방법을 찾을 수있는 도구를 가지고 있습니다. 때때로 가장 간단한 것이 가장 효과적입니다.
나는 자신을 과도하게 활용하고 싶지 않기 때문에 약 10 %에서 20 %의 포트폴리오를 레버리지 된 R # 1 현금 흐름 전략으로 배분합니다. Phil과 Joey는 Atlanta에서 헤지 펀드가 파생 상품 거래에서 약 10 ~ 20 %라고 언급했습니다. 필자는 Phil이 자신의 학생들을 가르치면서 마찬가지로 헤지 펀드 매니저와 같은 포트폴리오를 운영하려고합니다.
법률에 의거 한 일부 계좌는 일정한 제한으로 제한되기 때문에 직책을 다르게해야합니다. 예를 들어 일부 계정에서는 마진을 사용할 수 있으며 다른 계정에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. 어떤 사람들은 내가 콜을 할 수 있고 다른 사람들은 할 수 없다. 어떤 사람들은 신용 스프레드를 할 수 있고 다른 사람들은 할 수 없습니다. 일부는 세금이 면제되고 다른 일부는 면제됩니다. 이 모든 것들은 내가 투자를 관리하는 방법에 영향을 미친다.
당신이 실수를 할 것이라는 점을 인정하십시오. 촬영 & # 8211; 지난 주에 잘못 주문하여 신속하게 알게되어서 처음으로 하루 상인이되었습니다. & # 8211; 나는 약 30 초 만에 $ 70.00를 만들었다! 그것은 단지 바보 운이었다!
여기 밤에 대한 내 최종 견해 & # 8230;
필은 수년 동안 늑대와 함께있었습니다. 그는 실수로 5 년 만에 1,000 달러를 1,000,000 달러로 바꾸지 못했습니다. 그거 할거 니? 나는 모른다. 아마도 그렇지 않습니다. 내 요점은 Phil이 달성하고자하는 목표를 이미 달성 한 늑대를 발견 한 것입니다.
규칙 # 1 친구와 함께 일하는 100 %는 규칙 # 1 웰스 빌딩 파트너가됩니다. 그러나 눈에서 (또는 블로그 포스트에서) 서로를 보아라. & # 8230; 그룹에있는 누군가가 거기에 있었고 실제로해온 진짜 늑대입니까? 이 블로그 커뮤니티는 귀하의 WOLF가 아닙니다. 우리는 당신을 격려하고 규칙 # 1 4M 분석에 대한 의견을 게시 / 수신 할 수 있도록 귀하의 자산 관리 팀에 대한 귀하의 책임 파트너입니다.
기억하십시오. 귀하는 투자가 교육을 어떤 방법 으로든 지불 할 것입니다! 늑대없이 혼자서이 일을 할 경우, 화상을 입을 것입니다. 물론, 우리 모두는 실수를한다. & # 8211; 필과 조이도. 그러나 우리가 더 많은 경험과 더 성숙 해짐에 따라, 우리는 그들을 더 빨리 인식하고 빨리 완화 할 수 있습니다! 나는 누군가가 한 달 만에 모든 것을 잃을 돈에 대한 이야기를 듣고 이야기를 들었다.
그 찌르기는 당신에게 어려운 교훈을 줄 것입니다. 그러나 목표를 달성 한 진정한 늑대가 있다면 필자, 조이, 제프와 같은 진정한 WOLF와 함께 모든 것을 이해하려고 노력하는 초보자는 아님을 알게 될 것입니다. # # 8230; 그러면 목표를보다 빨리 달성 할 수 있습니다.
Moncho (Shaggy!), Sam, Tom H & # 8217의 게시물과 같이 Jeff Town에서 Cash Flow Course에 참석 한 사람들을 살펴보십시오. 아무도 저에게 수수료를 지불하지 않거나 당신에게 추가 훈련을 듣기 위해 들으라고 말하지 않습니다. 그들은 그것을하고 있지만 여전히 이번 주말 수업을 듣고 나서도 가치가 있다고 말했습니다.
나는 그가 새로운 것을 생각한 사람을 만났다. 그는 8 개월 간의 성공적인 거래를했다. 그는 규칙을 어기면서 운 좋게 벗어나고 있었기 때문에 운이 좋았습니다. 그런 다음 그는 Bernanke Burn & # 8221; 잃어버린 돈. 그는 비상 사태 명령을 & # 8220; Get Out! & # 8221; 그런 다음 그는 시장이 시장 방향을 바꿀 것이기를 바라고 그들을 악화시켰다. 그 일이 일어나지 않았을 때, 그는 '나가기'를 시도했습니다. 그걸 너무 망쳤다. 그것이 당신의 이야기가되도록하지 마십시오. 나는 그것들에 대해 충분히 들었고, 어쨌든 그들이 어떻게 끝내는 지 압니다!
이봐 요, 저는 고문이 아닙니다. Blah, Blah, Blah & # 8230; 그러나 나는 정말 대단한 늑대를 가지고 있습니다.
굉장합니다, 요즘 너무 자주 사용되는 단어입니다. 저는 몇 년 전에 애틀랜타에서 열린 Seize the Day 세미나에 참석 한 이후 필을 지켜 왔습니다. 그로부터 Phil이 출연 한 Rule # 1 투자에 대한 2 일간의 소개에 참석했습니다. 이 두 경우 필자는 평균적인 인력에게 투자할만한 능력을 발휘할 수있는 Phil과 그의 능력에 깊은 인상을 받았습니다. 세미나가 끝나면 Phil의 책 (세 번)을 모두 읽었습니다! 나는 규칙 # 1 도구를 지불하고 사이트에서 3 개의 비디오를 보았다.
그러나 다음에해야 할 일? & # 8230; 이것은 Phil, Joey 및 Jeff와 함께 제공되는 무료 3 일간의 현금 흐름 과정의 형태로 신성한 간섭이 발생한 곳입니다. 2 주 전에, 나는 필이 어떤 훈련을 제공하고 있었는지에 관해 묻는 지원을 보내기 위해 숙고하고 있었다. 그리고 여기에서는 있었다! 나는 너무 흥분하여 그것을 견딜 수 없었고, 나는 그날 일을 끝내고 같은 날 밤에 보내준 에세이를 시작했다. 나는 이것이 기회의 하나의 지옥이 될 것이라는 것을 알았다. 나는이 워크샵이 실망하지 않았다고 말해야 만한다. 그것은 내가 가진 것 중 가장 가치 있고, 교육적이고, 즐겁고, 재미있는 학습 경험이었습니다. 나는 그것을 세미나보다는 학습 파티처럼 묘사 할 것입니다. 그것은 정말로 굉장했다. Phil과 Joey가 우리에게 준 지식과 통찰력의 양은 놀라웠습니다. 나는 위대한 사람들을 만나서 그들과 투자 한 Rule # 1에 대해 이야기했습니다. 또한, 전략을 이해하기 위해 물어 보는 모든 사람들을 돕는 데 많은 시간을 할애하는 특별한 언급은 Garrett와 Michael D. 에게 나옵니다. 감사합니다. # 8217;
Phil과 Melissa, Michelle, Joey와 Jeff 주위에 3 일을 보내고 난 후에 당신은 정말로 그들이이 재료에 얼마나 열정적 인지를 실제로 볼 수 있습니다. 나는 일요일을 떠나기 전에 제프와 이야기했고, 곧 6 개월 코스를 시작할 예정입니다. 시장에 현금을 넣으려고 기다릴 수는 없지만 시장에서 돈을 가져갈 때까지 기다릴 수는 없습니다! 4 월에 강좌를 수강하는 분이라면 싱크 (Sink) 또는 수영 (Swap)을 갖춘 무료 페이퍼 트레이딩 계좌가 있는지 확인하고, 차트로 들어가는 방법, 옵션 체인을 살펴보고 거래를 입력하고 옵션을 부여하는 방법을 배우십시오. 그들의 thinkback 기능을 사용하십시오. 사이트의 이러한 영역을 성공적으로 탐색 할 수 있다면 조이와 쉽게 작업 할 수 있습니다! 그는 옵션 몬스터입니다! 오늘 우리가이 형제에게 우리에게 무엇을 가르쳐 주 었는지 설명하면서이 비유를 생각해 냈습니다. 그것은 마치 누군가가 Masserati를 사서 가스를 쏟은 다음 왁스 칠하고 열쇠를 건네 준 것과 같습니다. 이제 당신이해야 할 일은 그것을 몰아 내고 파멸시키지 않는 것입니다. 얼마나 자주 그렇게 될까요? 글쎄, 나에게 일어난 적이 없다는 것을 확신 할 수는 있지만 조이는 분명히 우리에게 가르쳐 준 전략을 발전시키기 위해 오랫동안 열심히 노력했으며 이번 주말에 열쇠를 넘겼다.
이 글을 읽고 금융 미래를 장악하기로 결정한 모든 이들에게 행운을 빈다. 개럿 (Garrett)이이 블로그에서 여러 번, "당신의 재산에!" 마크 V.
나는 100 % Moncho와 동의하며, 적어도 5 년간의 백 테스트와 종이 거래는 의무 사항입니다.
그리고 남자. 주변에서 놀기를 즐긴다면, 그 주말에 얼마나 많은 웃음 소리가 있었는지를 떠올리게됩니다.
저는 그랜트의 '재미'에 대한 개념을 두 번째로 사용합니다. & # 8221; 규칙 1 현금 흐름 과정은 강렬 할뿐만 아니라 확실히 재미 있습니다.
그것은 밤이다. 그리고 나는 아직도 흥분한다.
많은 훌륭한 사람들과 재미있는 대화를 나누고 이야기를 나눈 후, 내 뺨은 웃는 사람들 모두에게 너무나 상처를줍니다. 나는 내가 전혀 웃지 않는다고 믿지 않는다.
블로그에 숨어있는 이번 주말에 참석 한 다른 통치자들 중 일부에게는 제가 가진 것과 같은 느낌으로 당신이 거기에 있다는 것을 압니다. 나는 영원하다. 그래, 내가 말했어! 나는 그것을 다시 말할 것이고, 나는 전략의 일부를 적용하는 것이기도하다. 당신은 혼자가 아닙니다.
나는 그 문제에 대한 해결책을 가지고있다. 나는 지난 몇 시간 동안 나 자신과 대화를 해왔다. (나는 여전히 나 자신에게 대답했다. 그래서 나는 여전히 좋아, LOL이다.) 나는 BACK TESTING, BACK TESTING, BACK TESTING이 우리의 스트레스를 덜어 줄 것이라는 것을 안다. 우리는 날개 달린 남자를 떠나지 마십시오. & # 8221; 캥거루 새끼. 잘 들어라. BACK TEST, BACK TEST, BACK TEST. (예, Garrett, 내 머리 속에서 손을 뻗어서 나는 타자를 치고있다.) LOL)
우리는 그것을 할 수 있습니다. 나는 나와 내 나머지를 믿는다!
LOL, 그만! 나는 너무 열심히 웃고있다! 🙂
나는 그 시간의 대부분을 움직입니다. 이탈리아에있는 나. 때로는 & nbsp; 흥분되는 경우도 있습니다. 나는 조조 (Jojo)와 같이 귀여운 새끼를 낳은 바보 서커스 소년과 같다. & # 8221; 🙂
이 과정에 참석하고 당신과 모두를 만나는 것은 환상적이었습니다. 네, 내 뇌는 꽉 찼습니다! 처리 할 밤이 필요해.
당신의 3 일간의 명성에 관해서는이 말을 유감스럽게 생각하지만 당신의 명성은 이제 막 시작되었습니다! 당신이 그것을 알기도 전에 당신은 스타가되는 역할을하는 A-list 사람이 될 것입니다. 오는대로, 그것에 익숙해 지십시오. 그때까지, 훔치기 시작하십시오. LOL.
Moncho (일명 Shaggy, Brian M, 또는 BAM!)
나는 4 월의 사람들이 지금까지 충분히 발전했다고 확신하지만 나는 한 번 더 게시물을 추가하는 것을 도울 수 없다. 그것은 굉장한 주말이었고, 1 톤의 새로운 정보를 배우는 것 외에 그것은 정말로 재미 있었다. 거기에있는 사람들은 매우 도움이됩니다. 비록 내가 제시 한 것의 일부분을 이해하고 있다고 느낄지라도, 나는 가능한 최소한의 대략적인 스케치를 가지고 있습니다. Garrett의 저녁 시간에 도움이 될만한 도움이 대단히 도움이되었습니다. 내가 만날 수없는 사람들이 많이 있지만, 나는 언젠가는 앞으로 나아갈 수 있기를 바랍니다. 4 월 통치자들은 훌륭한 경험을하고 있습니다.
나의 개인적인 의견 (너희들이 그 말이 무슨 뜻인지 아는 사람)
Tom H, 당신은 정말로 바른 장소에 있습니다. Jeff Town은 순수하고 신사적이고 참을성이 많으며 열린 마음으로 지원합니다. 제프를 제 가슴속에서 고맙게 생각합니다. (저는 항상 제 선량한 선생님 들께 존경을 표했습니다. & # 8230; 당신은 최고의 사람 중 한 명이고 저는 당신을 스승으로 삼았 기 때문에 운이 좋았습니다. ).
나는 방금 2 주 전에 온라인으로 6 개월의 현금 흐름 과정을 끝내었고, 그것을 다시 이번 주말에 생기게했다, 미쳤다! 격주로 진행되는 웨비나와 제프가 즉시 연락을 취하지 못하는 경우가있을 것입니다. 너무 많은 압도를받지는 마시고, 지금 현금 흐름 과정에 집중하고 배워야 할 전략을 습득하십시오. 그런 다음 (몇 달 후) 조이 밀러와 파생 상품 (고급 거래 및 거의 위험이없는 옵션)으로 이동하거나 Phil Town Live 수업 (다른 회사의 기술을 사용하여 최고의 회사를 인수하는 방법, 엄청나게 낮은 가격과 장기적으로 비용이 들지 않는 것은 믿을 수없는 것들을 조금 엿볼 때까지 내 믿음을 뛰어 넘었습니다.
개인적으로 말하자면, 저는 먼저 이러한 전략을 습득하고 포트폴리오를 성장시킨 다음 조이 (Joey)와 필 (Phil) 수업에 참석합니다. Joey Miller의 기술력이 필요합니다. 시장의 패턴을 인식하고 그 패턴을 캐쉬 아웃합니다. & # 8230; Phil의 비판적 사고 (Philosophy) (필자는 누구에게나 쉽게 접근 할 수있는 열린 도서관이다).
내 승무원에게 전달할 수있는 자율성과 문맹 퇴치 수준에 도달 할 때까지이 승무원과 함께 뛰고 싶습니다.
그리고 Phil과 Joey가 모든 학생들, 작은 사람들, 블로그 팔로어가 성공하고, 지식이 풍부하며, 금융 생활이 안정적 / 안전해야한다고 생각한다는 사실을 알고 있습니다. 이 세상에서 일하는 방식을 바꿔서 사람들에게 무엇을 그들은 자신의 경험과 노하우가 최고입니다.
내 모든 블로그 동무들에게이 모든 일이 남겨진 것 같아요. (나도 거기에 있었다 & 나는 일어 서기로 결정할 때까지 무언가를하고이 움직이는 열차를 잡는다.) & # 8211; 걱정 하지마. 며칠 전에 애틀랜타에서 가진 것과 같은 기회가 다시 생깁니다. 그러나 별들이 (나는 잠시 동안했던 것처럼) 기다리고있는 편에서 앉아있는 대신에, 계속 나아가고 자유를 사려고 노력하십시오. 나는 그것을 안다. 그러나 당신은 그 밖에 무엇을 할 것이냐. 사람들의 모임이 있습니까? & # 8211; 개인 정보와 다른 정보를 얻는 엘리트. 아니. 첫번째 Phil, Joey와 그들의 승무원은 겸손하고 겸손한 사람들입니다. 저를 Wallstreet에서 볼 수있는 평범한 사람들과는 거리낌없이 겸손하고 겸손하며 단순한 사람들 (점심을 먹고 테이블에 앉아서 convo, 웃음, 균열 농담 할 수 있음)을 저를 아주 신뢰하십시오. 둘째로 필이나 조이가 청구 한 돈이 필요하다고 생각하지 않습니다. (아마이 수업을 운영하기 위해 일부가 필요할 수도 있습니다.) 그들의 지식과 경험을 통해 시장에서 매일 매일 (또는 월 단위로 월 단위로) 막대한 양의 돈을 창출 할 수 있습니다. 그래서이 수업은 이익을 창출 해줍니다. & # 8230; 그렇다면 왜 우리는 모두 우리를 타고 있을까요? 왜냐하면 우리가 그들의 코스에 접근 할 수 있도록 활성화 링크가 필요하기 때문입니다 !! 그 이유 중의 하나는 우리가 돈을 가지고있을 때 더 잘 배우는 경향이 있기 때문입니다. 권리? 누군가 그것을 무료로 가지고 있다고 상상해보십시오. 그는 아무런 노력도하지 않았고, 수업에 참석했으며, Phil이 자신의 연구없이 보여 주거나 가르치는 것을 맹목적으로 복사했다. 어떤 테스트도 기본적으로 게으르다. 왜냐하면 그는 무료로 & # 8230; 그리고 타 오르게. 비유를 보시나요? 그가 돈을 가지고 놀거나 무언가를 무료로 얻는다면 우리의 헌신 수준은 동일하지 않습니다. 그리고이 과정에서 더 높은 레버리지 수단이 사용되기 때문에 처음부터 우리에게 어느 정도의 공약없이 가르 칠 위험이 없습니다. Because compared to basics discussed here, a misuse of a leveraged instrument wipe out a whole account in a second.
These people fellas CARE about ALL of us, want us to succeed and get somewhere safe in our life.
sorry for the long post, all of this is to get me going, assess my own situation and as said from the beginning first and foremost for myself …;)
Hello to everyone we met at the weekend from Paul and Melody from Canada. Well actually I am Irish. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. It was entertaining, funny and exhausting and amazing.
Some of us were in over our heads but those of us who are committed we can do this.
Although it wasn’t Mountain Dew I too had a bad experience by taking a huge gulp out of a pop bottle.
I will be in Ireland for the next 3 weeks without access to internet so I will have to try to remember what I learned until I get back.
Thanks to everyone.
Wow, what a weekend. My wife and I have not had that much fun in quite awhile. And yes I mean fun.
Phil and Joey are dynamic individuals who keep you always wanting more. My wife has never shown any interest in the stock market before this weekend. I brought her because I thought it would be one more thing we could have in common and share. Now she is hooked. We talked about Rule #1 the whole way home as well as this morning when we woke up. I might have created a monster.
We are both engineers and very analytical by nature. The systems Joey and Phil outlined are amazing and back testable. This is an engineer’s dream. You can prove to yourself that the system works.
It is also amazing to get a real inside look into how Phil thinks when he values an investment. He is more conservative than I am and I did not think that was possible. His thinking is straightforward and makes perfect sense.
If you have a chance you need to get to this course. I cannot wait for what is next. I need to adjust my valuations on a few companies.
I don’t write a lot on this blog because there’s so much to learn someone like me feels like he’s better off reading except for an occasional question. But I have to respond to your words about Moncho because I too am being mentored by Jeff Town in the online cash flow course.
I feel so, so lucky to have the opportunity to learn under Jeff, and even luckier to get to go to Atlanta, meet Jeff, Phil, Joey and you (Garrett). Having a mentor or in this case “mentors” is so important.
I stumble along and Jeff patiently corrects me. I picture him rolling his eyes and thinking “this guy is wasting his time,” but if he thinks that it doesn’t show. He’s patient. He encourages when it’s appropriate, and he corrects mistakes with a gentle hand when it’s appropriate.
I’m seriously looking forward to the April seminar and to more of the Rule #1 revolution after that, to becoming one of Joey’s students and one of Phil’s students. At times it seems as if I’ve learned so much, and at others like there’s so much more to learn it’s almost overwhelming. When it seems overwhelming is when we need you, Jeff, Phil and Joey. Thanks for being there.
I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to say goodbye to you all before I left on Sunday. I met so many wonderful people. I don’t want to name them all, because, I will probably forget some… But you know who you are.
I will name Garret though. I wish I had been able to say goodbye to you Garret before I left. I can’t put into words how special it is to watch you giving of yourself. I was able to help others this time, so I didn’t get to hear a lot of your overviews. The good news, is I feel I am getting a handle on what you were going over, and I was able to spend that time helping others.
I liked the Buffet analogy. Interesting how Buffet is like, just needs one more t at it’s end to be Buffett — like Warren Buffett.
t for me will stand for TRUTH — being honest with myself that I have indeed taken the Time to Think and Back Test… As my exuberant nature needs that.
I hope you all can feel the GRATITUDE I’m sending you. I just don’t know how to express it in words…
All the Best to You!
Thanks Michael D., Moncho, Antony for dining together yesterday,… Anne, Will, Garett, Noel and all other rulers from the blog for hanging out together during the weekend.
Congratulations Michael on your new appointment and getting one step closer to your dream, your commitment and motivations are unparalleled… and life (through Phil) is rewarding you now .
Fellow rulers…. you missed a marvelous event this weekend…far beyond what anyone could have thought of…. where the potential reward/benefit is unlimited. April nominees, you’re on your way to a life changing event, you haven’t realized yet . As for myself, I’m sitting for the next couple of months and meticulously applying all the concepts learned.
Have a great day yall !
Phil, first…thank you for inviting me back. You know I love you guys and what you’re trying to accomplish. I’d go to combat with you any day. I appreciate your mentoring and especially your patience in keeping me within the boundaries of your blog.
Atlanta March (and soon-to-be April) 2013 Cash Flow Rulers,
While letting the events over the weekend stir in my mind, I finally had the word picture I wanted to use to describe in the most simple terms what I believe were most Rulers experiences.
Your brain is full, right? 🙂
Phil and Joey just emptied themselves of some…SOME!!…of their knowledge. Based on my experience participating in Phil’s “Phil Town Live” weekly webinars/commentary and Joey’s bi-weekly “Cash Flow Trade Room” classes they could have certainly taught you more – there just aren’t enough hours in a 3 day weekend!
Since it was a buffet, you have to “Feed Yourself.” And many of the comments above reflect that, don’t they? The Rule #1 Staff did their best to serve you an enormous Rule #1 Buffet – Pick and choose what you like…was it:
Selling a ROP for lowering basis?
Was it selling a ROP for Cash Flow?
Is it buying a great company at MOS?
Was it understanding Rule #1’s unsung hero, the “Growing Dividend” that lowers risk, drives down basis, and creates Cash Flow for a secure retirement?
Was the thing that finally clicked for you doing the RUT Cash Flow System?
Did you think maybe the 10-10 Cash Flow System is more your thing?
Is doing a R#1 Synthetic Long how you want to go increase your wealth?
Was it learning that Mr. Market can get really stupid and create a Rule #1 LEAP Opportunity?
Was it understanding how a “Volatility RUSH and CRUSH” can offer you incredible Cash Flow opportunities?
Did the “Tomatoes and Tornadoes” story help you understand complex Option Strategies in a new or refreshing way?
For those that heard it, will you remember my lesson during my Air Force pilot training days when my instructor told me, “Garrett, sometimes Slower is Faster. & # 8221;
When using leverage in Cash Flow trades, will you remember the lesson another pilot taught me about flying an out-of-control airplane – will you follow the rules you’ve set, know when to stay with the aircraft and know when to eject to save yourself?
You chose. The Rule #1 Team laid out the Buffet. It was free. All who could find a seat where welcome to come. If you wanted more or if you felt like you were falling behind, we were there to help you.
Many, many, many of you were so grateful…just so darn grateful to have had the opportunity to participate. Yes, you were overwhelmed. Yes, at times married couples were frustrated with each other because they weren’t “getting it!” Yes, I said to spouses…”I understand. I’ll help you. Don’t get frustrated with each other. Let’s go over here and figure this out together.”
Jeff Town was CONSTANTLY available to give individual help. We had several people from the blog, like Michael D and other’s from Phil or Joey’s classes who have been working hard to learn Rule #1 Options/ Cash Flow strategies and reached out to those needing help. No one learns this stuff alone. We all need to have a Wolf if we want to learn how to do this right.
All I can say is if you left without learning at least 1…Just 1 concept that you could apply to provide some degree of financial security then clearly somebody else dragged you there because YOU already had it in your mind that you didn’t want to learn.
I’m looking forward to April. You guys/gals on the blog for April’s Course… you’ve got a good idea what to expect! When we first did this, we have about 40ish people in that room. This year we had a solid 200. We’ve got a solid 200 for April too. You are all getting the message out that this is the real deal…the team that Phil’s put together to support this Rule #1 Revolution cares deeply from the heart. If I could summarize one trait that the Rule #1 Staff shares amongst each other it’s a “Servant’s Heart”
I’m sure Moncho is reading this….first, the guy is hilarious and just radiates a persona that says, “Hey Scooby…it’s time for a Scooby Snack!”
He is “SHAGGY!!” for the rest of my life. Moncho is doing the right thing…he’s getting a guide to help him. He’s been on the blog telling you how much he’s appreciated Jeff Town’s mentorship in his Cash Flow Course. This stuff requires a GUIDE…A Wolf!! Listen to Moncho (Shaggy!) and take some advice from a guy who has been to this course AND his currently taking Jeff’s class.
My 3 days of fame are over…it’s time to take out the trash, pick up the dog poop in the yard…at least it’s frozen…and take a look at those Cash Flow trades before I go fly for the week!
I was looking for you on Sunday but I couldn’t find you. I wanted to make sure you had a solid understanding of some of the Rule #1 Cash Flow strategies and Rule #1 Investing concepts using a Rule #1 Option.
Were you in my Saturday evening class where we looked at some of these more complex strategies in a unique way? Sorry I just can’t remember if you were there!
Thanks for sharing details of your experience this weekend. What you learned will be life changing, but only if you apply what you’ve learned. Sadly, the weekend has come to a close. Getting back to reality can sometimes be a deflating experience. I’m sure you were encouraged to continue your Rule #1 journey, create a plan, and put it into action immediately. Let me echo those sentiments. How sad would it be to discover yourself 5 years down the road and further behind in your financial goals than you are at this moment. After all, you have gained some tools to make a difference.
As for me, I booked my room for April this morning. Just 45 days! I’m looking forward to meeting some of you that weekend.
So glad to meet you Sam.
Had dinner with Michael D, Sam and Anthony last night. What a BLAST. Definitely GREAT DAYS!
I second Michael D’s notion.
It is our job to do things for ourselves. We do have teachers in this world to help us but hey, do some digging and reading first.
Phil and others may be able to kick us in the butt, but our own foot should hurt until we can’t stand any longer first. It is at that time, we can look for some outside help.
Very well said. Good luck with the move!! Michael, one thing I have learned over the years is the harder I work the luckier I get. It will eventually all come back to you! This is how the universe works. God if my ever read this she would fall to the floor……
Well said! Thanks for hanging out with me tonight for dinner. I had a blast.
Congrats on joining Jeff’s Cash Flow Course. This weekend combined with your class is like a double-shot of cash-flow espresso. (Hey, I like that. Phil, I’m trademarking that one!) You will have this under your belt in no time and be looking to come back for more!
Hey! You forgot about me! 🙂
Thank you very much for breakfast. I am so glad you decided to join me at my table. It was a pleasure and an honor. I hope to see you at a symposium in the near future.
Tonight’s comments are plain and simple:
Did that just happen.
Don’t tell my wife, but I just had the most fun I have had in years! We have such a great community of people. I laughed so hard some times, I nearly fell out of my seat. Phil and Joey are hilarious together. Phil wears a permanent smile. I feel at home among the crowd of like-minded people. There were so many people that went out of their way to come say hello to me, and I loved hanging out with the regulars on the blog. Just tonight I got to hang out and have dinner with Moncho and his lovely girl, and Anthony and Sam who post occasionally. This was a total blast and I have to do it again! It was so much fun I don’t want it to end. I’m actually feeling a little sad right now realizing that I have to go back to working tomorrow morning.
I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me in the coming weeks with my move. I may not be around the blog much starting late this month as we complete that project. Many of you expressed enthusiasm and appreciation for my posts. I want to thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. That said, never fear! While I may be A. F.K. in the coming weeks, it appears I’ll be around a while longer.
Rulers, a serious note:
A few years ago, life dealt me a HUGE, life-altering lemon. Still today there are some lemon-like things going on that I wish I could fix just by snapping my fingers, but that’s not how life works. (As Garrett says, it’s not all puppy dogs and rainbows.) However, I believe that if you want something badly enough, you can and will find a way to make it happen. Keep at it and eventually you will succeed. Life keeps reminding me of that lesson.
My point is not about me so much as it is about YOU! Phil talked about being allowed to kick you guys in the butt…to push you to succeed. Well, I’m not going to push you to succeed. It’s not my job, nor is it Phil’s or Garrett’s. I love to help people but the point was clearly made to me this weekend that I can’t help everyone and trying to do so can get me and others I care about into trouble. In fact, really, YOU need to HELP YOURSELF!
So, Phil has given you new Cash Flow Rulers a firehose worth of information that some of you HAVE NO IDEA what do with. Some of you have left thinking, “Okay, so I get bits and pieces of it. What do I do now?” Others left thinking, “This was a total waste of my time.”
I ask, was it really a waste of your time? Really? Guess you can’t please everyone.
For the others who are trying to dry off from the firehose of information and can’t find a towel, I can totally understand. I was there. But ask yourself, “What would you do if Garrett or Michael wasn’t here?” A better question: What did I (Michael D.) do when I left the workshop back in September?
Did I get upset that I didn’t understand it? YES! Did I blame Phil or Joey? 아니! Did I give up and walk away? 아니! Did I take the initiative to seek out the answers? 예. (In hindsight, I may not have picked the best way of doing this, but the point still remains valid…)
My point is, if you can’t afford to join a paid Rule One class, take the initiative and think outside the box to find cheaper or free ways of answering your questions. EVERYTHING I told you to do to prepare for this workshop can be used for the purposes of answering your post-workshop questions. By the way, have you tried calling your brokerage? You aren’t just paying them to handle your trades–if their worth their salt at all, they’ll do their best to provide answers to questions about how options work. They aren’t there to give an hour-long lecture, but if you have a specific question, they can help. (This is why I love thinkorswim/TDA – they love to help those who ask for it.) OptionsPlaybook can help. In my opinion, taken with a very large grain of salt, YouTube can help. The free webinars provided by TradeKing and TDAmeritrade via thinkorswim can help.
This weekend was only a waste of your time if you do nothing with it!
Now, go learn! (…and Be Profitable)
Cash flow course was AWESOME! I was looking forward to this weekend for a long time (like Christmas), and now that it’s over, I can say it EXCEEDED my very high expectations! Thank you Phil, Joey, and team!
Time to get busy organizing notes, back testing, and paper trading new stategies!
What an incredible three days .
I can’t thank you enough for what I got to experience over the last 3 days. It was incredible! I am still amazed that I was so lucky and privileged to experience this with 200 other wannabe rulers. Think about that for a second 1 of 200 out of probably greater than 330 million people across both our great countries. Put in that perspective, it is indeed a very special privilege that I will never forget.
As far as I am concerned, the most valuable commodity any person possesses is time. Our time on this planet is very limited and the exit strategy and expiration date is truly unknown. I am not looking forward to that final option expiration. It makes it all the more impressive to me that Phill and co. Gave so freely of their time for us!
I am honored to have met all of my fellow rulers. In the fear of leaving any names out, (you know who you are) I look forward to our continued learning together and keeping each other in check in regards to rule 1 investing. A special shout out goes to Garrett for all you have done and continue to do. Your energy and enthusiasm are infectious!
I am working on the wording of my 1 million dollar in five year contract. by the way, it should be much easier for us than it was for Phill if you factor in inflation. A Million ain’t what it used to be. After I have signed my contract I fully intend to set fire of my entire fleet of ships………. 🙂
Again, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
Thanks Michael D!
Buffett 3 hr CNBC live interview tmrw Monday 3/4 starts 6am est… Dvr that up.
there is no multiplier effect, at least in real money, the only thing that causes this multiplier effect is inflation caused by new created dollars entering the system and these inflated dollars do more harm than good.
The government shouldn’t spend surplus cash.
If government is running a surplus, it should immediately return the surplus cash to the taxpayer.
The government shouldn’t run a deficit either.
What should they do with the 16 trillion of debt? Pay it back? No. I think this does also more harm than good.
They should keep the debt, pay only the interest on it and stop borrowing more money.
Another important question is what is the or what should be the function of government?
For a long time my answer would have been: protecting its people and their private property.
So providing armed forces, police and a legal system. Nothing more.
I think this is also the answer Ayn Rand would have given.
But when I started to read the “austrian” economist/philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe and his concept of a “private law society”, I came to the conclusion, that the “private law society” is better than any form of government.
This concept is so radical, but so convincing, that this blog is not the right place to explain/discuss the concept of the private law society and I think it is better to let Hoppe explain it in his own words.
Here’s an article written by Hans Hermann Hoppe explaining the concept of the “private-law society”:
here’s a lecture about the private law society given by Hans-Hermann Hoppe:
you can also download his book: “Ethics and Economics of Private Property” for free at:
Good post Stephan.
Economics is a science that I have limited understanding of – but I am attempting to increase my knowledge of it.
This multiplier effect is something I have rolled my eyes over numerous times. I do believe in it – but I believe it is often misused and interpreted.
My simplistic thinking: if a “real” dollar enters the economic system, it has a multiplier effect that will be similar regardless of private or government spending. It is positive cash when it enters the system, and will pass through the various businesses/people, etc creating a similar multiplier.
What is troubling though, is that in current times, the government dollars are all created/borrowed/stolen – it is not “real” 돈. They take credit for it as if it is, but the multiplier effect really has to start with a negative sign. The 2-3 times multiplier, if one accounts for the (-1) really in place because it is borrowed money, is actually now 0-1 times.
Your suggestion of subtracting the government spending from GDP makes sense to me in current times, because the government spending is all debt funded. In makes some effort to account for the destructive nature all the money printing is causing in reality.
If the government ever returns to spending surplus cash (I will not be holding my breath for this), they could revert the adding it to GDP.
Thanks for all the posts. Keep em coming.
Stephan on spending cuts and shrinking GDP.
Rulers, I think your 3rd day in Atlanta starts in 30 min or so, so enough time for a brief economic lesson.
In the last days everyone could watch in the news the talks about how cuts in government spending will result in a shrinking of GDP.
Great. It is good for the economy when GDP is shrinking, because of government spending cuts.
Well, let’s have a look at how GDP is calculated:
GDP = Consumer Spending + Investments + Government Spending + Net Exports.
So if government cuts spending and every other number stays the same, GDP will go down. That’s true. But all mainstream economists are telling us, that this would be a bad thing. But this is wrong, wrong, wrong.
This is all Keynesianism.
In accordance to Keynes principles there is a multiplier effect.
If government spends 10 million dollar on the construction of a bridge, construction businesses get paid, with the money they pay their workers and buy new machines. This enables the businesses who build the machines to hire more workers. The new hired workers spend their money on housing and cars……
In Keyne’s opinion the economic output added to the GDP will be greater than the 10 million dollar, because of the multiplier effect.
This keynsian way of thinking might be true in the short run (3-12 month), but in in the long run it destroys the economy, the currency, leads to unsustainable public debt and creates artificial booms and severe busts.
To understand this we have to ask ourself the question:
& # 8221; Where does the money the government spends come from?”
It is stolen from the people and the private sector.
So for every dollar in government spending, there is at least one dollar (in reality it is 2-3 dollars) the private sector can’t spend.
So if government cuts spending, the private sector has more money at hand to spend.
And I think we all agree, that consumers and private businesses know better than government’s central planers on what products and investments they want to spend their money.
In my opinion government spending should be subtracted from GDP and not added to it.
So what do y’all think?
I want to thank Phil, Melissa, Joey, Jeff, and Michelle for the opportunity to be able to come to the Atlanta workshop. It was well beyond what I thought it would be, and an awesome experience. Joey and Phil are like the “Dynamic Duo” when they present together. If you haven’t been to a cash flow course yet you have to find some way to go or take the online course. I have been trading basic options for a couple of years and use thinkorswim for my live and paper accounts and I still got the firehose experience. Michael D’s advise for preparation is spot on. I hope to someday be able to pay-it-forward to someone else as I build my wealth. Your life is your fault so do something about it to change it. Garrett is like the Energizer Bunny running aournd helping people. My hats off to you man. Nice to meet you and Michael D.
I am scared of the same thing Michael D. I was thinking about taking a accounting course and/or economics class at my local Community College. I am afraid of that rabbit hole! 🙂
Thanks for the info John D. I saw them about 6 years ago but that was when I was a total newbie living in the world of mutual funds and crap like that. Like you mentioned, I have watched them over the years growing organically and by M&A. It is amazing how well they incorporate businesses, almost seamlessly.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Insider Selling? There were MANY shares sold last year but I am wondering if it may have been for charity or gifts. If so, that would be alright with me.
Like I mentioned, I didn’t do much homework on them. Either way, I am going to incorporate MIDD into my Daily/Weekly homework schedule so I can find out if they are a true Rule#1 company for me. If so, I am going to be ready to pounce when a Rule#1 Event brings them to within our MOS.
Michael D is being humble. He honestly LOVES to teach but he is an AMAZING teacher and knows A LOT more than he believes he does. He worked with me for about and hour personally and I soaked up EVERY single minute I could, even with brain drain. Thank You VERY VERY MUCH Michael D. 🙂
Also, I may sound like a broken record, but if any of you out there are even semi-serious about Rule#1, you should do everything in your power to get to a Rule#1 cash flow course. As with me, it WILL be a changing day in your life.
Was up at 5:30 this morning doing some reading, all day at the seminar and now currently re-reading notes about Rule#1 Cash Flow strategies I learned today along with some charts Michael D. drew for me.
One more thing, for those of you attending April’s course, be sure to bring your books so Phil can sign them. I talk with Phil and Melissa for a few minutes today. Finally had the chance to shake the hand of the man who will show us the way to financial freedom, and his wonderfully amazing “Boss!” 🙂
Better than GREAT DAYS!
웃음! You cannot die before you teach me more about economics! I am determined to get an “A” in my real economics class whenever I actually attend it. Then again, maybe they’ll want me to be a believer in what Bernanke is doing. Ugh!
Good evening folks.
It’s been a crazy day here in Atlanta. Good gosh, Garrett and I were here until like 10:15PM helping out. This has been such a blast. Joey told me, “You know what we do after a day of go-go-go up here on stage? We can’t wait to get back to the room with room service and TV.” I laughed. You wimps! 🙂
I’ve been patiently waiting. Glancing over now and then to see if he was alone, but of course, he never was. Finally, I decided I better just go wait my turn. I felt stupid standing there, waiting for the other person who also waited their turn. But eventually…I finally got to speak with Phil today one-on-one. What can I say? Wow!! He has such an awesome presence and loves this stuff. He’s always got time for us. Melissa was like, “C’mon Mr. Town, we have to go to dinner!” But he kept talking. Do you guys realize just how awesome it is to have a conversation with him? Call me a fanboy, or that it’s Philmania, but I feel like Buffett when he finally met Graham at Columbia. I’m dead serious. This will forever be one of my favorite days!
We covered a lot of material today. Everyone is feeling the effect of the firehose. I’m in this predicament where I sympathize with them, desperately want to help, and feel like I understand the basic concepts involved well enough explain them to those in need of clarification, and I LOVE to teach, but I don’t feel like I have a right or that it’s my place to do so. Still, I get asked questions and I can’t stop myself. I love this stuff.
Well, I have homework to do and it’s late. I must get to bed soon.
It is good to see another fellow mn on the blog. I use thinkorswim with a couple different account types. They have been working good for me for the last several years.
This weekend has been absolutely awesome! Learned lots of new strategies, and as Garrett said they were some very ‘sexy’ concepts. 하하. I’m excited to start doing all the homework, back testing, and paper trading. Today was an excellent 9 hour day of intense learning. For all you coming down in April get ready for a crazy amount of learning. Hope your all getting excited! reading up on your fundamentals, and option terminology. Need to get some rest as we’re Back to ‘class’ tomorrow morning! I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am. See some of you tomorrow.
Been at work since 5:45am cst, working hard but really pre-occupied with what is happening in Atlanta. Checking the blog every chance I get in hopes of some tidbits. Appreciate all the posts about Atlanta and look forward to participating in April. Jack.
I’m here in Atlanta sitting the row in front of and, one seat to the right of, my dear friend Michael D. This is review for Michael and myself who were so blessed to attended the Cash Flow Worksop in Dallas. It is really good review for me and very helpful. I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity again. If I can help any of you, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Garrett is amazing and so giving, he’s got a true serving soul. I’m so proud to know Michael too, he continues to help me and amaze me in his quick understanding of what we are learning.
All the Best to You!
Thank you Grant.
There is already a new article growing in my head:
“Why it is good for the economy, when GDP is shrinking (because of government spending cuts)”
But I can’t write it right know…just came home from sushi all U can eat….I should’t have eaten that much…I’m dying…
Will – thanks for the link and the reminder!
Regarding your questions above about what type of accounts to use – Here’s what I like/hate…My opinion only. Disclaimer, Disclaimer, Disclaimer.
1) Hate 401K’s that most people have because of the Mutual Fund thing.
2) IRA’s let you do Rule #1 Cash Flow strategies…so I think that’s a good way to build up to your first six figures. I do them in my wife’s IRA. She use to have a 401K and when she left the job we transferred that to an IRA. Life is better.
3) I use Schwab, Etrade, and Tradeking for my trading platforms. I like TradeKing the best.
4) I opened a ThinkorSwim account because I like their free tools/charting and history of past option prices for learning. I don’t have any money in there because I don’t like their platform.
Thanks for the Atlanta updates guys. Can’t wait till April!
The type of account you choose would largely be based on your goals. If you don’t need the money now, or you don’t plan to rely on your investments till retirement, an IRA is the way to go. If you plan to use the money before your “golden years” you may want both.
You may well know the difference in the IRA accounts, but I’ll lay it out here just in case. Roth contributions are not tax deductible, yet the gains are tax free. Traditional contributions are tax deductible, but gains are taxed. Would you benefit from the tax break more now, or tax free money later? Having great plans for my money, I prefer the Roth.
I actually have a traditional (by accident), Roth, Simple, and regular account with TD Ameritrade. Maybe it’s just them, but I am able to trade trade credit spreads, debit spreads, long calls & puts, as well as cash secured puts in all of those accounts. Check to see what level of trading your account has been approved for?
What are your investment goals? Knowing that will help you determine which account is best for you.
Here is the link to Uncle Warren’s latest shareholder letter.
For some reason my last post did not post. I will repost my thoughts tonight, but they are all good.
Not sure if you are here or not, but I thought I would post you a few links to a couple of You Tube Videos about QE. Joey Miller showed them here and I thought they were rather funny.
Yes, I know MIDD, or Middleby. This company is the worst miss of my investing life. it is an example of the pain of not having the guts to pull the trigger on a stock can cause a person to have. I did hours of homework on this one. I valued it at $80. It was selling in the $40’s. It was in a perfect, and I mean perfect floor and ceiling pattern for a LONG TIME. The stock is now $150. I coulda, shoulda, woulda… but didn’t. Middleby by is an AWESOME company and AWESOME management. You can’t eat at Subway or Dunkin Donuts or really anywhere without indirectly using one of their ovens that quickly bake your sandwich in a few seconds.
It is now nearing the sticker price. 🙁
Thanks everyone for posting about Atlanta. It keeps us April folks eagerly anticipating our class. BTW Garrett, I signed up to sit for the Series 65 in early April, so I’ll either be able to celebrate or commiserate by the time the seminar rolls around. Sorry it didn’t work out for your first test, but your posts about it are helpful. (And nervous-making.) Hope this weekend just keeps getting better!
Hello everyone, from a very jealous Ruler based in Minneapolis. Reading the posts makes me feel like a sick kid looking out his bedroom window on a beautiful sunny day watching all his friends play outside while he is stuck inside.
Anyways, I have a tactical question about investment accounts. What type of investment accounts do you use? A taxable account, traditional IRA, ROTH IRA, or other?
I know a lot of people use TD Ameritrade’s Think or Swim but what type of account are you using it with? Or are you just using the Think or Swim platform and executing the strategies on a different platform?
Currently, outside my 401(k) my main investment account is a ROTH IRA with Scottrade. I’ve had it for awhile but it has limitations - no margin accounts in the ROTH IRA and options are limited. Any thoughts or recommendations on types and locations of accounts that work best with Rule 1 and Cash Flow?
Here’s another great article written by Peter Schiff:
Draghi is paying for it with his printing press…
As a teacher I even have 14 weeks of school vacation 🙂
Who pays for those 5 week vacations that all the Europeans get? 🙂
I second the thoughts of Garrett, Bryand and Michael D about how wonderfully amazing this event is. As Michael D stated, it was a review of Rule#1, but I would consider it a Rule#1 review with a STRONG back end chaser!
Like many others, I have read and re-read Rule#1 and PBT numerous times but the Videos on Phil’s TOOL’s along with the today has bumped my level of Rule#1 by a factor of 2. I hope that makes some kinda sense. Phil has a way of explaining this stuff that builds confidence that, YESSSSS, me, YOU or anyone, WE can do this.
Garrett, Ann, Michael D., I wish I could have hung around but I had to hop back on to work for a few hours to take care of things. I will DEFINITELY be utilizing all of your knowledge tomorrow, so I’m hoping you had some GREAT sleep last night.
See everyone in a while.
you bet I’m bleeding Red, White and Blue.
I’m visiting your country every year for 5 weeks.
Someday I want to stay forever.
So please don’t turn America into a socialist Europe 2.0.
Gosh, I’m tired…4 hours of sleep because I flew down this morning – but the blog addiction made me come on here and read what some of you thought about day one.
Dozens of you came up to introduce yourself and I’m really grateful that you let me know how much Phil’s blog has helped you either start investing or get back into investing. We’re doing pretty good helping each other despite the blog’s format limitations!
Apart from Rule #1, I just don’t know how most people are going to find some degree of financial security. That’s why I’m so passionate about getting the word out and just motivating people to believe in themselves that they can do this.
And yes, it’s funny seeing people’s faces as opposed to some Blue Line in the “Recent Comments” section.
Michael D did get a nice shout-out from Phil today. Michael D has really learned a lot in a short time devouring Joey’s DVD series and he helped me set up my computer so that it would alert me to a 10-10 trade. Thanks Michael D!
Oh..Michael D.’s eyesight must not be so good – so that explains why he couldn’t see my gray hair…or perhaps I’m about 1/2 inch taller than he is and he can’t see how much hair is missing on the top of my head!
I’ve met Moncho and Tara G (Gus), and Anne (I love angels), Doug, Will, and…Oh…and catch this…this is awesome…over a year ago, I was on a SWA jet in uniform sitting in the back of the plane with the passengers just catching a ride to somewhere – probably about a year ago. I sat next to a woman and mentioned that I wondered what the markets did today. She said, “oh, we can look at that on my phone.” And then we got talking. She was killing the markets and I told her about Rule #1. 맞춰봐? She’s here! She came up to me today and said, “You told me about Rule #1 when I sat next to you on the airplane!” How’s that for crazy! Man, it’s just like spreading the Good News – you never know what seeds will take route on the good soil!
Lots of positive feedback from people reading Stephan’s lessons on Economics. I think Stephan bleeds Red, White and Blue…Stephan knows his Rule #1 Options/Cash Flow strategies, but I’ve never met him in person. We got to get Stephan out here!
Tomorrow I expect everyone to be a little confused once we get into Credit Spreads because they require a different kind of thinking and vocabulary to learn. But if you’re here…No one is letting you go home without some confidence in taking those steps! I know you’ll find lots of friends in Atlanta where you can continue your learning of credit spreads.
Joey and Phil showed a very “sexy” naked PUT today that TO ME was a low risk, high probability opportunity in the markets. These are companies that we can place a VALUE on and create a “Story” which allows us to enter the Cash Flow trade in a Win/Win situation.
Lots of times we can make life hard on ourselves by trying to do all sorts of advanced or complicated Cash Flow strategies. I’ve learned (and others tend to agree) that the most profitable cash flow trade is the one you do over and over again because you’re a master at recognizing a “Fundamental, Technical and Volatile” edge for a low risk/high probability trade.
and How ’bout that BP stock price! WhooHOO!
I was one of the lucky few who was selected for the cash flow course this weekend. I wanted to provide a quick update after day one. Here are my brief thoughts:
I can’t begin to say how incredible this opportunity is. Phil mentioned, first thing this morning, he was going to push us. He was going to push us not to just learn this stuff but to also understand this stuff and apply it down the road. I realized very quickly how this is definitely a life changing event. I can’t possibly overstate that statement. Phil is a rock star on stage. He is a very dynamic speaker, who naturally captivates the audience. His enthusiasm and passion for investing and helping others is very apparent and most definitely genuine. He is the real deal.
Joey Miller had a brief 45 minute presentation at the very end of today. I must admit how impressed I was with his knowledge and he has an incredible sense of humor. He will be presenting a lot in the next few days and I am very eager to hear more and learn about some “sexy” 거래.
I saw Garrett and Michael D. from a distance and will be sure to introduce myself this weekend.
I’ll post once again when this is all over with and I’ve had time to gather my thoughts.
Man, what a day and night!
Most of today was review of the Rule #1 stuff. That isn’t to say it wasn’t worth it. Being in the same room with Phil just does something to your level of enthusiasm for this stuff. At least for me. He’s got some funny stories. Especially about “Mountain Dew.” (wink)
Okay, I have to say something about my fellow blog comrades, especially Garrett.
First, I met many of you today but I am HORRIBLE with names and faces! So, please forgive me if you have to introduce yourself to me a second and third time. It’s not that I don’t care or you aren’t important enough to remember! It’s just there are somethings I’m good at and some things I am not. Names and faces are one of them.
Garrett….wow. First, you are NOT at ALL what I thought you’d look like. Your fatherly nature had me picturing someone with a few gray hairs. Well, nope. Not a gray hair to be found. Folks, our loveable Garrett is very young looking, physically fit, and he bleeds “How can I help you?” After the event today, I finally got to stick around and have a conversation with him. He’s absolutely a good guy in every way.
You guys have got to get to one of these or do like Melissa’s friend, Janice, and dig through trash to find things to sell on eBay so you can attend one of the courses.
I ate lunch with people from Israel! There are people here from Germany, Ireland, Canada, and many other places. It’s amazing just how global Phil’s following really is. But I can understand why. The couple from Israel said it perfectly: “He makes the complicated not complicated. It just clicked.” I guess it doesn’t matter what language it’s printed in.
Truth is, the books are great and you can do well with them. But there is stuff you really could benefit from learning by attending one of these. You could do even better.
I’m certainly no expert, but I understand the rules and the basics of these strategies we’re learning well enough that I feel I can explain them to anyone needing help. I’ll follow in Garrett’s footsteps and say that if anyone needs help, I’d be glad to answer whatever question I can. I won’t pretend to know the answer if I don’t know it–I’ll simply redirect you to those more experienced than I am. But, I at least want to help take the load off of Garrett. The poor guy didn’t get to go “home” until after 10PM. (Partly my fault!)
Anyway, if you need help, you know where to find me. (Both Phil AND Joey made sure of that! :p )
Thanks for the updates Garrett. I hope you guys keep posting on the blog while you are there so those of us waiting until April don’t have withdrawal.
I’m going to rub some salt in the wound for those of you that aren’t here in Atlanta. Man, you’re missing out on Phil and Joey on stage together looking at some great opportunities.
Yeah, I know. Kind of makes me a jerk for not posting what they’re doing. But you don’t want to be doing anything based on what someone else is doing if you don’t understand “the story” for doing it.
Just get your butt into some of these classes the next time Phil offers the opportunity!
I’m in Atlanta. Phil’s up teaching. They’ve got 3 big screens and about 200 people here.
I’m sitting next to Joey Miller. When Joey says to you, “Hey Garrett, you want to learn something that will change your life?”…you put the protein shake down and you LISTEN!
Joey just showed me what we call a “sexy trade”…sitting next to Joey has its advantages!
Looking forward to meeting you all here! All I can see is the back of your heads. I bumped into a guy in the hallway with a name tag that said, “Brian” and asked him, “Hey, is your nickname “Moncho?”…nope!
I silently walked in about 9:45am. Sorry I could’t make it earlier as I would have liked to have met you all before things kicked off!
New movie staring Michael D, “The Quest of his Precious, Dr. Pepper!” lol 🙂
They have Dr. Pepper McDonald’s down the street…
They have Mr. Pibb in the Hotel Shop. It may not be the best substitute. 🙂
Almost time to rock and roll.
I travel the country in my job. Every time I find myself any further north than Kentucky, Virginia, Kansas, or west of Colorado, finding Dr. Pepper and sweet tea becomes a challenge.
Time for breakfast and then it’s showtime. Look forward to meeting everyone…
I made it. 3:45AM Alarm. 3 flights 2 layovers and a car ride just in time for last call on room service. See you all in the morning!!
추신. Garrett, you’ll get it next time for sure.
“But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” – Rocky Balboa.
Congrats on the effort, Garrett. I’m impressed you took the dang thing.
Get it next time.
Jack (Future Series 65 Test Takers!)
The test is easy if you study hard for it, right? 🙂 So I just didn’t study hard enough. And it’s DEFINITELY not Rule #1 Investing…it’s all crazy lawyer stuff!
So, I walk into the testing area and sign-in. There’s about three people there waiting to test…younger and definitely more stressed out than I am. Behind the counter, I’m asked what test am I’m here for. Being the smart-ass I am, I say, “Well, I really didn’t have anything to do today so I thought I try one of these.”
She looks at me kind of weird and I say, “Just joking…Series 65 please…and can I sign up to take this again in March because it isn’t going to be pretty.”
Ok…so here’s how the test broke down according my “Results” sheet:
19 questions on “Economic Factors and Business”
31 questions on “Investment Vehicle Characteristics”
40 questions on “Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies”
40 questions on “Laws, Regulations and Guidelines”
Has anybody else on the blog taken a Series 65?
Not a SINGLE question was recognizable from my 3,196 Question Study Bank that I was studying from the Kaplan Course Material. Sure, some of the info was the same…but I didn’t recognize any verbatim questions at all. Makes memorizing answers harder.
The other thing that stinks is I don’t know what questions I got wrong. The test results don’t show you that. Just a “FAIL” on my results sheet.
I can tell that I need to review “Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies” and “Investment Vehicle Characteristics”…but I don’t know what questions those are in the 10 Section Kaplan Question Test Bank. I only got about a 65% on those sections.
I did really well in “Economic Factors and Business Information”…scoring an 89%. Again, couldn’t tell you what questions those are so that I DON’T study them for next time!
The “Laws, Regulations and Guidelines”…that stuff is just nuts. Every rule has an exemption or an exception. I got a 70% on that stuff. I could have gotten a 90% and it wouldn’t matter because I would have flushed it from my brain the moment I was done. Jeff Town told me to study that stuff hard and he was right. At home I was getting 80% or better on the practice tests. Bad luck? Who knows!
Anyway, it’s been an interesting little journey that I’m still going to continue. If I were a starving college grad, do I think I would have done better? Oh yeah, certainly.
I know how to do Rule #1 Investing, I know how to do Rule #1 Cash Flow strategies safely and with minimal risk – got a job I love, my dear wife is awesome at her job…and still loves me despite how much I drive her nuts. Excuses? 네.
The reason I want to pass this is because I want to have the ability to legally help people in Rule #1 Investing…and this exam is part of what the Government considers essential for me to do that.
My opinion is that passing this exam has little bearing on my ability to provide financial security for myself or guiding others doing the same. But if Phil forms something like a “Rule #1 Financial Services Company” then I want to have the flexibility to be on his team and perhaps serve in that capacity so we can spread the Rule #1 Revolution.
Big Congrats to Jeff Town and my Delta pilot friend, Mrs. Nancy Davis…you guys passed and I’m impressed! I’ll get there…just a little slower than the rest of you!
Hey…Guess What! I’m STILL not an Investment Adviser!
Garrett, Congrats on giving it a heck of a go. Now that you’ve seen the curve ball, you’ll be ready for it next time and knock it out the park.
Test is done…all I have to say is this:
Goose to Maverick:
“Maybe I could learn how to be a truck driver. Mav, you have the number of that truck-driving school we saw on TV? Truck Master, I think it is. I might need that.”
🙂 I missed passing by 3!! 3!!
I’m honestly laughing at this. There was one question on Options and I know I got that right!
140 questions of which 130 are testable. I needed to get 93 right. I got 90. I have a lot of respect for those lawyers that actually have to know this stuff.
But don’t ask me if you live in State X as an agent of a Federal Covered Adviser with the principle office in State Y and you have clients that moved to another state, can you sell a non-exempt security in an exempt transaction or do you have to be registered in that state with the State Administrator?
I really don’t know.
I’ll try again in March!
Would be cool if we had a test on Rule #1 and Payback Time instead!
Hey…Michael D…that Dr. Pepper stuff will kill ya!
Dow came within 15 points of all-time high…wonder if tomorrow will be “Happy Friday”…
Good news is you should be able to get sweet tea. I was blown away on my first trip to Chicago to learn that it isn’t available everywhere. The waitress looked as if she was waiting on an alien. Uncle Si sure wouldn’t make it in the north.
Well, it looks like I won’t have the aftermarket auto parts industry analysis done by the workshop. I didn’t want to publish until the 2012 10K had been published and we could get performance numbers (ROIC, ROE, BVPS, OCPS, etc.) for the entire of 2012. I’m not yet savvy enough with financial documents to understand how to calculate these numbers by hand from just the Q4 10Q. ORLY is supposed to file their 10K today and MorningStar has advised me that their web site will reflect the new numbers in less than a week. From that, if the Town Toolbox isn’t yet updated, then I’ll be able to calculate the performance data using Phil’s Java-based calculator.
Phil, the restaurant doesn’t have Dr. Pepper! This is a disaster! What hotel this far south doesn’t have Dr. Pepper?
The bright side is that they have buffalo burgers. I can’t hardly find those anywhere.
Garrett: LMAO. Call me what you want. Just so long as you call me. (wink)
Hope all is well. See you guys soon!
Leaving now to take the test…I’m already planning on a re-test later in March! I’ve done fine in life without passing this test, so I’m not too worried laughing it off and trying again if I don’t pass with the min score of 72%!
Phil’s my role model…he’s done exceptionally well with a Philosophy degree and as a river guide.
I actually have a criminal justice degree. The back up plan if the pilot stuff didn’t work out was to go do the James Bond thing…go undercover with the CIA or some organization that doesn’t exist.
I’ll let ya’ll know how it goes…it should be after 4pm.
Either way, we’ll all have some fun learning from Phil and Joey this weekend! That’s what matters!
That is just my Blog name. Its a nickname that I have had for the last 27 years.
You can call me Moncho, Monch, monstrosity or just my given name Brian! 🙂 Its all good. Many people have other names for me which I can’t mention because they contain $^*& symbols. LOL.
GOOOOODDDD LUUUUCCCKKK On the 65. I believe EVERYONE here on the blog is rooting for you!
Moncho (Aka Brian A M..)
Hello Rulers! I arrive at 3:39pm from PHX. looking forward to meeting you all! have safe trips! See you soon!,Mike….
Moncho, Do I call you “Moncho” or is that your blog name 🙂
I don’t think I can call “Michael D” just “Michael”…or even “Mike!”…in my mind, he’s always going to be “Michael-Dee”!!
It looks like I’m going to fly in Friday morning and land at 8:15am. I’ll probably get to the hotel right about 9:00am as Phil is starting.
I’m not flying this jet, so I promise to get a power nap leaning my head against the window on the flight down and I’ll be re-charged and ready to go until ya’ll say “enough!”
Good luck on the 65 today. And thanks for the Garth poetry. I'll keep this around.
Getting pretty excited here. So I just had to post. 🙂 Looking forward to putting faces to the names!
Plane arrives at 545 today and hoping to make early check-in.
If I had known, that there is an A+ in the american school system, I would had certainly given you an A+.
It is impressive what you’ve learned about economics in such a short time.
Michael D, has invited me to teach economics at their dallrulers blog 5 days ago.
He even gave me my own section:
I wrote 4 or 5 articles and answered some questions.
I think Michael D had a very little understanding about money creation and inflation before , but he was an outstanding student and managed to get a really good understanding about money and inflation within 4 or 5 days.
Great job Michael. Keep it up.
I think I’ve seen a couple of those events on YouTube. By the way, your Crystal story is even better told live than on text. I chuckled when I heard it on audio book, but laughed even more hearing it from you. Mr. Cashman doesn’t quite do it the same justice.
I understand about going against the flow some times. When I told–not asked–my wife we were moving to Dallas, you can bet I was going against the flow! :/ I say that somewhat jestingly, but it has some truth to it. Circumstances are what they are…
I was aiming to be in the aviation industry ever since high school. That got flushed down the toilet one day. Never would have thought I’d be 27, learning to invest in the market, and wanting to be in the finance world. Is it for the better/best in hindsight? Too early to tell. I hope so, or else, all this is for naught.
See you guys tomorrow!! (I’ll be signing in early.)
You just won brownie points with me. LOL. Garth is a legend. I wish he hadn’t retired when he did, but, it was for the best.
Your “Phil”osophy above reminded again of one of my favorite songs by Garth Brooks:
You know a dream is like a river,
Ever changing as it flows,
and the dreamer is just a vessel,
that must follow where it goes.
Trying to learn from what’s behind you,
and never knowing what’s in store.
Makes each day a constant battle,
just to stay between the shores.
And i will sail my vessel,
till the river runs dry.
Like a bird upon the wind,
these waters are my sky.
I’ll never reach my destination.
So I will sail my vessel,
till the river runs dry!
Too many times we stand aside,
and let the water slip away.
And what we put off till tomorrow,
has now become today.
So don’t you sit upon the shore line,
and say you’re satisfied.
Choose the chance to rapids,
and dare to dance the tides.
There is bond to be rough waters,
and i know i’ll take some falls,
with the good lord as my captain,
I can make it through them all!
Friday’s almost here!
Sorry…messed up the link.
I’m looking for book suggestions about compensation. For example, , but has no reviews. I’m not looking for the detailed manual that an compensation committee might keep on the bookshelf. That’s a bit too much. I’m looking for something that explains compensation as understandably as Phil does, but in a little more depth than Phil went into in his books. Suggestions?
That's as clear as it gets. 고맙습니다.
You guys understand that she did well with a small amount of capital, poured in more of her own and did well and then with a track record brought in over $100 million to work with. In other words, she's made $41 million on about $110 million in 2 years or so. Quite good considering she has a lot of that money sitting on the sidelines as part of the strategy.
The best part of this is that she's like most of us, a regular person, but she applied herself, was fully committed to her goal and she got there. I don't know if the lesson is that you can do it, too. Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. What I do know is that if you stay on your boat, you'll be a river guide forever. You get off the boat, something interesting is going to happen for sure.
I worked with Dr. Jonas Salk for a while, investing in a company he was Chairman of. He believed in burning the ships and going fully committed, that doing so somehow got the laws of nature on your side to bring you things you need when you need them. That's been my life experience too. Don't know if its been yours. But when I commit to a goal find that I either get there or I get somewhere else that on reflection and the benefit of 20-20 hind site is even better than where I thought I was going. Having that outcome over and over makes you unafraid to leap in. But there is a skill set that goes with it. Just leaping isn't enough, but leaping in is required to attain the skill.
When I was a beginning guide I had to learn to NOT go with the flow but to actively seek out the down stream current on a big muddy dangerous river and to try to feel and see the smoothest line through a rapid, through the rocks and holes and eddy's because I was rowing a huge 24 foot boat loaded with gear and food and 7 people and if I got in the wrong place I quickly found out I'd have to bust a gut to get back to the right place and sometimes even that wasn't enough. You remember the story about nearly killing those guys in Crystal. But I found that doing it for 30 miles a day is enough to learn how to actively seek out the line without exhausting myself.
I think about that for life, too. Like we're each on a river we can't see but its there with the current pulling at us. If we just 'go with the flow' we'll usually end up stuck in an eddy or going over a waterfall. The trick is to be actively feeling for the line and it isn't necessarily 'the flow'. In fact, some of the time it is certain to not be the flow, that the flow is exactly the wrong thing to follow. Sometimes you have to work your ass off to get out of the flow to get into position for what's coming. Usually because you waited too long before seeing where you should be going. Skill in living is like that I think.
The Hindus call it Dharma. The line of your life that feels like you're in the zone doing what you were put on earth to do. Like you're doing everything and yet you're doing nothing much. A skilled guide can take that huge boat down the river with a stroke of the oar here and a push there and it just seems to go in the right place all the time, just sliding by the eddy's or just catching one perfectly. You've seen that with great athletes. Watch Tiger Woods hit a 5 iron and its just effortless. Watch Melissa ride a cross country course and it looks like child's play. That's the way life should be for us and its a great skill that makes it that way. Its mastery.
I've studied this stuff my whole life and believe me when I tell you that most great people I know believe life is something like this….
She got pumped up about this at a big arena event where I sent about 5000 people to the classes we set up with Investools back in those days. We've gone on our own since Investools used to teach a lot of Rule #1 stuff but gradually left it out over the years … and to me, the critical part of doing investing well is all Rule #1. By the way, we'll talk this weekend about what she's doing.
Hey Layne! Long time! See you soon!
I sat down and wrote out some thoughts the other day about the current economic situation intending to send them to my Dad. Until recently, he (and I) understood virtually zero about economics. I’ve set out to learn for myself and teach him in the process–teaching helps me to learn. I know that’s backwards, but it’s true.
But before sent the letter to him, I wanted to run it past Stephan to make sure my understanding was right. And guess what? Our economics professor said that if this had been an assignment in a class, he would have given me an “A”! (He’s a real teacher by profession, you know. Just not in economics.)
“Yeah, okay Michael. So you’re starting to understand economics. Big deal…where have you been?” My answer: Under a rock like the rest of the country. But you’re right. Big deal–to me! Do you know how many people in my family and close friends understand this stuff? A big fat zero! No one was ever taught this stuff in school and, by George, they ought to have. Do you think if they understood economics that it might change who they vote for or, at least, what they think is important?
Anyway, Stephan said I should repost it here. I’ve modified it a bit because I had more time to elaborate and clarify some things. Hopefully this improves it to an A+. So, here it is…
The Federal Reserve reiterated that it will continue printing money at the rate of $85 Billion each month. This means nothing to you without a basis of understanding by which to judge it. So….
The total sum of dollars in the world represents our total output of goods and services, which economists call GDP. Or, at least it’s supposed to.
Do you think we’re growing $85 billion more goods and services each month over the previous? Definitely not. Are you adding to your net worth at a proportional rate? Highly doubtful. So, what does this mean?
It means that the Fed is intentionally devaluing all of your checking, savings, and retirement accounts, and devaluing the work that you do. 방법? Because there are more dollars chasing your work output, making each old dollar worth less than it previously was worth with each new dollar. Let’s explore this with some very simple math.
Let’s assume you had a net worth of $150,000. Let’s assume that the total dollars in circulation is $100 trillion. This means that your net worth is 0.00000015% (6 zeros) of the total dollars in circulation.
At the current rate of printing, in 12 months, the Fed will have printed $1.02 trillion more dollars. Add that into the previous number of dollars in circulation and we get 101.020 trillion dollars in circulation. Let’s assume your net worth has increased by $3,000. So, your net worth is now $153,000. What’s the new percentage? 0.000000001514% (8 zeros!)
Even though you increased your net worth by $3,000, you still lost ground due to the devaluation of the dollar. Notice how this is very similar to my previous comments about how this affects the government’s debt? Your net worth, along with yours and that of the government, is being devalued away. So, the bright side is that while your net worth is being shoved down the toilet, so is your debt. But then again, you aren’t feeling any relief from those creditors, are you?
Simultaneously, these new dollars find their way, with a bit of a delayed reaction, into the economy causing inflation. The above just demonstrated this.
Your ability to pay down your debt is shrinking because inflation is causing the things you need to live to become more expensive. While your debt is being devalued along with your current net worth, you can’t get a raise (or a job in the first place) that pays enough to compensate for the loss of your net worth or buying power. So, have those creditors gotten off your back yet? Didn’t think so.
Why are they doing this?
Yep, you guessed it: debt. They have to print this money to cover the interest-only payments on the national debt. They are the only debtor who can create money out of nothing–unearned, untaxed. Just poof! It’s there. Don’t you wish you could do that?
If they don’t print their way out of the payments, we would default on our debt and, well, let’s just say that would be disastrous–like second depression disastrous.
So they keep kicking the can down the road hoping the inevitable crash of crashes won’t happen on their watch.
Why is it inevitable?
We’ll it’s not inevitable, really. It could be avoided perhaps. But…they won’t get rid of the social programs that we cannot afford to keep running and a zillion other expenses we can’t afford. The best part: They keep adding to those expenses (deficit spending), run up the debt because of it, can’t afford the payments so they print funny money. It’s like the situation I am in. I’ve gotten myself up past my ears in monthly expenses I haven’t been able to afford but was stuck with keeping. I wasn’t ready to buy a house when I did, but I did anyway. Now I’m stuck with it, and all of its expenses, and can’t quite get rid of it. If I were the government, instead of trying to find ways to get rid of this elephant on my back, I’d be printing dollars to pay for it. Now, suddenly, I can afford it because I have the dollars. But get this: my mortgage lender, water company, electric company, cable provider, etc….THEY ALL KNOW these aren’t really worth what I’m saying they are. They know I’ve printed them up in my basement. I’m just counting on them to continue taking them. But what happens when they decide they’ve had enough funny money sent their way?
Eventually, our creditors (mostly China, Japan, Russia, and the Euro-nations) will get tired of our currency becoming worth less and less, and demand we stop printing money. Now we have two choices: Keep printing until they revoke our reserve currency status or we go into hyperinflation where you wake up one morning and a loaf of bread costs a wheelbarrow of cash. That’s no joke; it’s happened several times in the history of the world.
Our other option is to stop printing money. The supply of money will shrink and demand will rise. This tipping of the see-saw towards demand will cause interest rates to rise (bond rates), raising the interest rates on our national debt to levels above the current level, which we already can’t afford!
Either way, we crash and crash hard. The longer we keep this up, the worse it will be.
When will this happen? It depends on how long we are allowed to keep devaluing our currency–how long our creditors will keep accepting worth-less dollars. Why don’t they demand we stop now? Funny you should ask…
The other countries are devaluing theirs at the same time. 왜? Their leaders want to kick the can down the road, too. They don’t want it to happen on their watch either. Also, devaluing their own currency helps to keep imports and exports on an even keel–if they didn’t, we’d gain an advantage in exporting goods and they don’t want that. So, their devaluing to balance trade and kick the can down the road for themselves also helps us to kick the can down the road.
So, who knows? But eventually, there will be a country that can no longer sustain its own currency devaluation and this will set off a domino effect of global crashes. It will be a major global depression.
We can fix it if we take the right steps right now but those steps are political suicide because the majority of people don’t understand all of this. They view the necessary cuts in spending as taking away entitlements and the government abandoning them. Trust me. I’m in a profession dominated by the lower-middle to upper-lower class. The uneducated crap they preach is laughable. But it’s not their fault; they weren’t taught this stuff and, for whatever reason I can’t figure out, don’t bother to go learn it on their own.
The right steps will not be painless. We can take our bitter, sour, side-effect-ridden, stomach-churning, vomit-inducing, medicine now, or we’ll have to undergo emergency surgery without anesthesia later. Which would you rather pick?
I have a feeling that the spoiled-child that our country has become will refuse to take its medicine.
I agree. This is a sign of things to come. Between Phil’s new vids on the tools website and vids of someone who took a system and kept it simple…Well we have some pretty impressive guidance laid out for us to learn from.
Looking forward to being part of it this weekend.
Thanks for these posts. You take complex matters and make them easy to understand.
Just curious…what is the cost to take Joey’s 6- or 12-month class?
She was your student, Phil. Really? No…I just thought she was someone who had a similar system…but really? The person who pointed this video out to me originally didn’t mention anything about that. Totally awesome.
Here is the first interview, the one I posted initially is a followup and goes into a lot more detail. Her story is an incredible one however, keep in mind she knows options a lot better than most and her strategy is not for beginners. It took years for her to perfect it and learn to manage the risk associated with it so think twice before you say oh I’m going to copy her and do exactly what she does and be rich. She has a great attitude toward learning her craft and perfecting her strategies, something I think all of us can learn from.
I know, I know! I’m so excited, I’m already here! 🙂
Actually, it just worked out this way that I’m here a day early. But I’m still excited.
If watching that video doesn’t get you excited, you should see your Doctor and have your pulse checked!
Interest rates are the price for money. As every price interest rates show us the supply and demand for/of money.
So when the economy gets better and businesses start to invest again, the demand for money goes up, therefore the price for money (interest rates) goes up, too.
Usually interest rates are a signal for businesses showing them if they should invest or not.
But this is only true in a free market economy without manipulation by the central bank.
Let me show you how this works in such a free market economy without a central bank first:
If people save a lot and the vaults in the banks are full, they have a lot of money to lend out, therefore they can lower the interest rates, because there is no need to attract more money.
The low interest rates make it easier for businesses to invest, because money is cheap now and low interest rates give the businessman the signal, that it makes sense to invest in the production of new goods, because the consumers have saved enough to buy the new goods.
In such a world severe booms and busts should not happen and because of technological progress prices tend to go down over long periods.
In our world the artificial low interest rates give the businessman the wrong signal:
He invests in the production of new goods, but the potential buyers don’t have the money to buy all the stuff he produces. Besides that artificially low interest rates allure people to do stupid things, e. g. buy houses they can’t afford or invest in operations they are not good at.
When now the economy gets better and interest rates go up, a lot of businesses or homeowners can’t afford the higher rates and go bankrupt and we see another bust.
Can you elaborate on why Bernanke said this?
“The fact that interest rates have gone up a bit is actually indicative of a stronger economy,” Bernanke said in Washington today in response to questions from members of the House Financial Services Committee. That indicates the Fed’s stimulus is working, he said.
Sent from my iPhone.
Here’s the link to Bill Gross of Pimco Funds. I always appreciate his monthly posts. Every month Bloomberg picks up his headline and writes an article about what Bill is observing.
I read his stuff each month and always find him educational and sometimes entertaining.
Would she happened to be named Karen? I saw this video a couple months ago, a very inspiring video of what can be done when you develop a strategy that works and spend time perfecting it.
Wyndham Peachtree City, GA.
And let's not get into "teaching" advanced option combination trades here on the blog. Trying to learn from reading about these trades is like learning snowboarding from a book. When you go out and try it for real, you're probably gonna get smacked down. It can be done but its a bit painful.
My recommendation is you take the classes we have available when you can and then get into Joey Miller's trading class. Write Michelle at supportruleoneinvesting.
I get it that if you don't have a lot of money, trading is a big deal because you can go from a little to a lot in a big hurry if you know what you're doing. I started out rolling the dice, too. And it still works for a few of us. I just heard from a student who I taught in 2002 who has made $41 million trading OTM puts and calls on the index. She started with a little. Made a bunch. Then she did a smart thing and went full time. Made a bunch more and with a track record went after investment capital. She now has over $150 million under management. In 2011 she had 1 losing trade. In 2012 she had none. So, yes, I get it and I teach it but learning it here isn't a good plan.
Anyone know when details on the April seminar are supposed to be sent out? More specifically, does anyone know the location? 감사.
Howdy Jack. Yes, Joey will be teaching it.
It’s a pretty cool little cash flow trade like Joey mentioned in the headline.
Maybe we need to start designating classes…like:
Atlanta Class 0313 (March 2013)
Atlanta Class 0414 (April 2014)
Joey’s certainly the expert and the start while teaching these classes. Think of me as the Teacher’s Assistant.
I promise to be available after class in the evening to help anyone catch up that may be feel overloaded with all the new information.
This is exactly what is happening today.
Because Bernanke has an almost unlimited supply of cigarettes, he is driving up chocolate prices.
He can afford any price and the little guy ( me) has to stay hungry.
With every new dollar Ben Bernanke prints, he is stealing from evryone of us.
Because the money we already own, loses value, when new money is created and the supply of goods and services stays the same.
Whats a 10-10 trade? Will it be taught at the april workshop.?
Thanks for the info Michael. I will definitely check this out. In addition, I appreciate the digging questions. Those are going on my Rule#1 Q&A Checklist.
How about Mr Bernanke drifts ashore with cartons galore and he is really hungry and really likes chocolate!?
A few observations:
1) Because the last guy to get the new money is us, by the time we do get it, the prices we now could “afford” are already higher because the printing press never stopped.
2) When you say, “Government is the biggest debtor, so if price inflation his higher than the interest on government debt, the public debt gets “inflated“ away over time, because when prices and wages rise, the taxes the IRS collects also rise.” & # 8230; to help me understand, I flip the sentence “…the public debt gets ‘inflated’ away.” Instead, I read it as “…the public debt gets ‘deflated’ away.” Why deflated? If on 2/25/2013 there was 16 trillion in debt and (making this up) 100 trillion dollars in circulation, the debt is 16% of the total money in circulation. However, if on 3/25/2013 there is 100.085 trillion dollars in circulation, that 16 trillion in debt is now 15.98%. It’s a smaller percentage, so I look at it as “deflated.”
May the Profit be with you,
I don’t even know who MIDD is, but thought I’d suggest something…
MorningStar has a great Insider’s page. It does a great comparison of CEO compensation and has a very detailed insider’s trading section. I’m using it almost exclusively for my ORLY analysis. Check it out and see what you come up with.
The questions to ask are: What percentage of his owned shares is he selling? If these are in excess of 30% of their total position, that’s a red flag. Are earnings coming up? Are these sells right after option exercises in similar quantities to the exercise? Are these sells on any sort of repeating schedule–same time each month/year? Call IR and ask if they have been given any word as to why Mr. CEO/CFO are selling/planning to sell so many shares?
By the way, make sure you read all the small gray print scattered through the page at MorningStar. There are a few neat features that are sort of hidden because of the small and light print.
May the Profit be with you,
I just ed Phil and Joey with an apology. I stated in my other post that the 10-10 strategy doesn’t have the same track record as the main cash flow system. While this is factually true when you compare the returns of each strategy, what I said may have led you to believe differently.
Garrett, I know Joey doesn’t check his s as often Phil, Melissa, etc., do, so could you alert them for me to the fact that I sent him an ? It’s especially important because it contains an alert to a discrepancy he probably ought to be aware of if I am correct in my understanding.
So, while I have apologized to them privately, I’ll also apologize to you guys here for possibly confusing you. Let me be clear:
I have back-tested the 10-10 strategy in thinkorswim using its internal programming language called thinkScript. I went all the way to 1993. On the 3 instruments we trade this strategy on, using the rules exactly as they are defined, it was very successful over that length of time. However, this test has one major caveat that I have not been able to resolve just yet as it is an issue with thinkScript. I have been in contact with the developers of thinkorswim to get this resolved.
The issue is that this test uses thinkorswim’s “Study” tool, which simulates buying and selling STOCK based on whatever conditions you give. It is not capable of simulating the buying and selling of options, which is what this strategy uses. Therefore, the actual profit and losses are a bit misleading. Stock and options do not price quite the same way due to the mechanics of options pricing; options do not change price linearly. In other words, a $1 move in a stock does not necessarily yield a $1 move in the option price. However, because we are buying and selling single options in a way that is very much similar to buying stock, the difference between the study I’ve done and the actual results you would have achieved with options would not be that far off. Some trades would have been profitable in stock but might not have been profitable in the options, but overall, the results would have been very similar.
So, that said, the results of the backtest using stock were very compelling, and so, therefore, the results achieved with options would likely have been very favorable as well.
As for the main cash flow system, Shane was able to do a serious backtest on the system. His results, copied and pasted below, are accurate up to, but not including, September 2012.
“In my free time last week I backtested the system. My test went back seven years to September 2005 for a total of 84 months. Two of those contracts, September and October, have not yet expired. Of the 82 contracts that have expired, using Joey’s rules, there were 77 winners and 5 losers. Pretty awesome!
I share this because I know there are likely some out there who may be a bit unsure of the system. This is understandable if you have never done it. I hope this gives you the confidence to get in the game.”
The two contracts that had not yet expired when he did his backtest turned out to be winners, bringing the total to 79 winners and 5 losers. I’ll let you decide if that’s a good history or not…
That said, it is still possible to experience a loss with this strategy right out of the gate. I nearly did. That could put you in a hole you’ll have to dig yourself out of with later trades. This will, no doubt, test your confidence in a system you have very little experience with. Just remember the track record this strategy has had if you follow the rules to the “T”. However, that doesn’t guarantee future success–there are no guarantees in trading except theta decay.
May the Profit be with you,
Wondering if anyone has looked over MIDD. They have been on my radar for a while but I have not done much homework yet.
As I was looking early tonight, I was checking out management and noticed that the CEO, CFO and a few other directors have sold and are planning to sell thousands of shares.
I know that C-level execs sell for different reason but with their salaries in the Millions and then selling thousands of shares for extra millions strikes me as fishy. The CEO has sold over 350,000 shares in the last year alone.
Does this concern you based on any homework you may have done?
Also, Stephan, anxious for the morning so I can read the newest series of “Stephanomics-The Lost (Truth) Economic Chronicals” :-)Little tired and I want to make sure my brain is right. 🙂
Stephan on Bernanke and Inflation Part 4:
Why is it a good thing, when prices rise at an average rate of 2% a year?
Why isn‘t the goal of the FED 0% price inflation? Or falling prices?
Wouldn‘t it be better, when things get cheaper instead of more expensive?
Well, the FED‘s answer and that of Paul Krugman would probably be:
“Falling prices are bad, because when prices go down, people don‘t, buy because they think prices will go down even more and the we get more unemployment…“
Not very convincing.
When the first cellphone entered the market, its price was $4,500. Some rich people bought it, when more cellphone producing businesses entered the market, cellphones got cheaper and more people were able to afford cellphones. the prices for cellphones were falling fast during the last 20 years and more and more people bought cellphones.
When things get cheaper, people buy more, not less Mr. Bernanke.
Mr Bernanke knows this.
So why does he like price inflation?
because inflation helps the debtor and hurts the saver.
Government is the biggest debtor, so if price inflation his higher than the interest on government debt, the public debt gets “inflated“ away over time, because when prices and wages rise, the taxes the IRS collects also rise.
So inflation is a hidden tax. But a very unfair tax.
Because not everyone gets the new created money at the same time.
If the FED wants the money supply to grow, they print new money and buy assets from the commercial banks, thus more new money enters the system.
When the banks get the new money they can buy at the old prices, because nobody has noticed yet, that new money was created. If they invest the money, they drive up asset prices and most of the time commodity prices.
The commercial banks are also happy to lend out the new created money to their friends in the big business. This big businesses drive up prices even more. The little guy is the last one who receives the new created money, if he ever gets it. When the little guy receives the new money (e. g. through a pay raise), prices are way up. Price inflation is the main reason for the widening gap between rich and poor.
Stephan on Bernanke and Inflation Part 3:
So when the supply of money is growing, we should see rising prices.
But we don‘t know when this will happen and what prices will rise.
As we have seen in the late nineties and early 2000‘s the prices of stocks have been rising sky high because of the easy monetary policy of Alan Greenspan.
In the years after the stock market crash, more money was pumped into the system and the housing bubble was created.
After the popping of the housing bubble and the following financial crisis, even more money was pumped into the system and now we wait for the next bubble to pop (probably the government bond bubble).
Everyday when you go to the grocery store or fill up your car you can see, that prices are rising by more than 2 %.
So why are the official CPI numbers so low?
Well the government agencies are twisting the numbers a bit.
They will tell you that computers and cell phones got cheaper and if they didn‘t get cheaper, at least you get now a much better computer or a much better cellphone for the same price as last year.
This method for calculating inflation is called the hedonic adjustment method.
So let’s say the price for a computer was $1,000 last year.
Today the computer costs $1,000 but it is 30% faster than last years model, now the computer goes into the inflation calculation as 30% cheaper than last year. It is true, that I get a faster computer today for the same price, but I still have to pay $1,000. So in my opinion this is a way of artificially lowering the CPI. Some kind of cheating.
Stephan on Bernanke and Inflation Part 2:
Let me clarify this with the help of an easy example:
Let’s say I and another person, let‘s call him Bob, live on a desert island. I own 20 cigarettes and Bob owns 20 bars of chocolate.
There are no other goods, money or persons on the island.
Bob is a smoker, but he doesn’t like chocolate.
I like chocolate, but I don’t smoke.
What is the right price for one cigarette?
1 chocolate bar = 1 cigarette.
Now let’s assume I find somewhere another pack of cigarettes.
We have now 40 cigarettes, but only 20 chocolate bars.
The supply of cigarettes has doubled (inflation), but the supply of chocolate stays the same.
Now the price of chocolate has to rise, until we reach the market clearing price.
New price 1 chocolate bar = 2 cigarettes.
I know everyone is looking forward to the Cash Flow Course in Atlanta this weekend, so maybe I can help you to pass the time by teaching some economics.
Yesterday FED chairman Ben Bernanke told us:“…my inflation record is the best of any Federal Reserve chairman in the postwar period – or at least one of the best,” he said, citing the 2 percent average inflation rate.
이것이 어떻게 가능한지? Isn‘t he printing money like crazy? 85 billion a month.
And if it‘s true, that the average rate of inflation is only 2 percent, is it really a good thing, when your savings lose 2 percent of buying power every year?
Let me first clarify four important terms:
1. Inflation = growth in the money supply.
2. Price Inflation = rising prices, usually a result of inflation. Without a growth in the money supply there is no general price inflation possible. When one product gets more expensive, another product needs to become cheaper, if the amount of money in circulation stays the same.
3. Deflation = Contraction of the money supply.
4. Price Deflation = falling prices, usually as a result of deflation.
Michael D. / Atlanta Cash Flow Students…
I made a mistake…which I think is what led to Joey’s headline…
Last night, I posted something in reference to Michael D about a cash flow trade he/we mentioned.
My protective nature took over…
I think there is more to explain especially in light of a lot of us going to Atlanta this weekend.
Yes, my point was DO NOT USE THAT MUCH MONEY! Think “Risky Biz” portfolio.
And my second point was less clear….I made an error…It was from my heart because I don’t want to see people lose money. …and my lack of sleep when posting….
The “System” as I posted above WAS successful in January (I wrote that it wasn’t)…one of several we’ll be showing you this weekend. Had it been followed correctly, you would not have violated Rule #1 – Don’t lose money!
In trying to be brief, I was inaccurate.
The point of the post was to make sure you do your cash flow trades like Rule #1 Instructor Joey Miller teaches you.
People do cash flow trades and tell me about them…YIKES! And I know many people who did not follow the system correctly in September, October, and December…they placed a cash flow trade where they shouldn’t have – causing a loss…perhaps making it worse in February…and that was what I was referring too, but I did not make that clear.
This would not have happened if they had done exactly like Joey Miller teaches.
Nobody out there cares more about your financial well-being than you and the people on the Rule #1 Team. I’ve taught these things before I went on the road with Phil and I do them occasionally too …but I’m scared when any one else does them! 왜? Because people do crazy things. Hypocritical of me? Sorry! It’s my protective Sheep-Dog Nature.
And my pattern on the blog is to immediately jump on nice people like Michael D and post something about how much money you could lose by postulating lots of “what if” questions. Things that are important, but can certainly be mitigated – however, never removed – which is why we allocate a small portion to Cash Flow Trading and do like Joey teaches!!
Phil’s a phenomenal investor and he’s so good at Guiding people…in the Army, on a White Water River, or Investing in Fed Fueled Markets!
Investing Rule #1 Style lets me sleep at night because I have this incredible guide mentoring and teaching me in his Phil Town Live Classes – Something I hope you can all partake. You got a sample of that in December when he did his “Phil Town Live” Webinar for the blog community.
Joey is first and foremost a Rule #1 Investor who, like many other great investors, will trade while he’s waiting to invest. I’ve been in his classes for a year now and he’s absolutely phenomenal. Like Phil, he’s your guide in learning how to do low risk/high probability trading.
Don’t let leverage burn you…use it wisely and safely – like Phil, Jeff and Joey Miller. I hope after Atlanta, you’ll find some “Guides” and friends to help you navigate your way to successful Rule #1 Investing/Cash Flow.
When I see you in Atlanta, we’ll discuss safe and responsible ways to do this in more detail.
In the meantime…
BP IS GETTING LOWER! WhooHOO!…and that to me is low risk stuff!
This sounds very interesting. I’m excited and very interested to learn about these two methods of trading. The 10-10 rule sounds similar to an Iron condor book I recently read, so I’m curious to see how similar the methods may be. Only 3 more days to go!
About Phil Town.
Phil is a hedge fund manager and author of 2 New York Times best-selling investment books, Rule #1 and Payback Time. He was taught how to invest using Rule #1 strategy when he was a Grand Canyon river guide in the 80's, after a tour group member shared his formula for successful investing. Phil has a passion educating others, and has given thousands of people the confidence to start investing and retire comfortably.
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&부; Rule 1 Investing 2017. All rights reserved.
&부; Rule 1 Investing 2017. All rights reserved.
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